Hmm. Managed to avoid anything AOL altogether, so there’s no nostalgia for me at all, and this doesn’t sound like anything particularly unique.
Hmm. Managed to avoid anything AOL altogether, so there’s no nostalgia for me at all, and this doesn’t sound like anything particularly unique.
I kind of hate this hipster beer culture that’s developed.
Over fifty here, and I’m not drinking the kind of fucking swill put forth in this piece, nor is there anything pretentious about preferring certain types of beer or particular brands.
No, it really sounds like nothing of the sort, but thanks for blithely ignoring and/or misinterpreting what you have (or, more likely, haven’t) read.
Hahaha, no.
Actually, the more I think about your piece, the more obvious it is you have little reading comprehension and know absolutely nothing regarding the topics about which have posted.
This is the only way.
Fuck Spotify.
Um... I would never have considered Androids as indicative of anything in the “Trump era” whatsoever. I doubt few who are actually familiar with Dick’s works would choose that, either.
Fuck him.
Now if only Harmon would be honest regarding his union fuckery...
There is the Lane Victory harbored down in San Pedro, CA and open to the public as a museum.
I forget. Simple as that.
Mine is always on because it pairs with my car, it’s a necessity for me, and I won’t be disabling it.
Although, given how racist the anthem is, there is plenty of reason to protest that specifically.
Even the bottom shelf stuff at CVS is better.