Tiki Cat utilizes human-grade ingredients.
Tiki Cat utilizes human-grade ingredients.
Did it regularly with mushrooms in the 90s, and the benefits as a fight against depression and as a way to open up creatively were phenomenal.
Don’t care - I’ll never set foot in one of those goddamned places again.
White pepper is a must-use when I make scrambled eggs anymore.
Loved vinyl, but was happy to see it decline, but only sold off my collection last year and am glad to be rid of the clutter.
Loved vinyl, but was happy to see it decline, but only sold off my collection last year and am glad to be rid of the…
😂 Nobody who has replied so far seems to know a goddamned thing about George and his style/predelictions.
Let’s not conflate Cinefamily with the actual film industry, thank you.
As a fan of George’s for forty-plus years, from his short stories to his novels in various genres, I’m calling your statement utter bullshit.
Savory, Grounds of Paradise, and Long Peppercorns are worthy additions.
but it’s definitely healthier for you than actual cigarettes.
It’s sad to see how many people clearly have no understanding or appreciation of satire.
It was a response commensurate with your initial post.
But unlike 3.5mm headphones, which can be used with an iPhone 7 via the Apple-made dongle, there’s no way to do the reverse and get Lightning headphones to work with anything that doesn’t have a Lightning port
Hmm. I’ve been cooking chicken breasts for several decades now and have never had the problems you mention.
What a sad sack of shit.
“Know what you’re eating”...
What a complete fucking waste of time those years of college had been.
Is it better than the utterly terrible show?
Is it better than the utterly terrible show?
I know you can’t help it, but try not to be such an ignorant, know-nothing, tasteless cunt, okay.