
Our greatest enemies are still ignorance.

All I can think of anymore when I hear the word 'Wienermobile' is that it's what Guy Fieri calls his car when he's trying to talk up some woman twenty years younger.

Teens also commit suicide.


Sorry, Ms. Clinton, as a good liberal Democrat, you’re too damaged to be able to win.

Thanks for the update! As I said, I haven’t purchased much from them, and it was at least a year ago so I didn’t know what their policies were now.

Truly sad.

Umm... You are able to download and store the purchases from Amazon (proprietary format, however, that requires their front end player) and iTunes.

Damn you, Rolling Stone. These sort of moronic conclusions the direct result of your lack of diligence.

No, I simply can’t watch any more than I have.

Alright, alright, alright!

The last sloth they had almost destroyed them.

Fallon is annoying.

Good for him.

Fuck him.

Of course it's a joke. It's a shame some here don't see that.

My usual beauty routine is not having one.

Clan MacIntyre chiming in with our hunting tartan:

Does it also give you gas and/or runs when you use it?

UK publisher Christopher MacLehose promises it will, nevertheless, be like stepping into a pair of beloved old slippers