
Given that Gone with the Wind is, for all its immense glamour, is a mouldering pile of racist Lost Cause nonsense

Well, good news in the end, and it's great to see 'the little guy' win over Chick-Fil-A.


Don't know. I responded to your original post, but there was one person being a douchebag in response to you, and I wouldn't be surprised if he flagged you.

Don't be a twat.

Bravo, sir, bravo.

Cookie Butter is the work of the devil.

Blah, blah, liberal elitists something, something... Dictator-In-Chief Obummer, something something... Get a real job, something, something, welfare losers, blah, blah, blah.*

Just when I thought Silverman couldn't be any more insufferable and unfunny...

Indeed - I've never been a fan of her, nor most of these modern, self-proclaimed 'divas'.

Play, or don't play - watching is pointless.

Don't know - seems comparable to Seattle drivers in the rain.

You're wrong.

Reaching now for your slander.

David Bowie would like to remind you that for the past two decades, he has been recording music that you have not bothered to listen to

Except, you know, most TVs have this tech built in.

Except, you know, most TVs have this tech built in.

LOL I like that.

No, no, I didn't take it that way at all. Looking back, I'm surprised they were as open about it as they were, given the atmosphere surrounding any kind of homosexuality.

No, they weren't particularly open about it, but also made no attempts to hide it.

Agreed, yes - the anonymity of posting on the internet or altering a street name on Google Maps breeds a false courage.