
I grew up in a household with two moms, but this was in the 1970s, in a small town. There were instances of name-calling on occasion, or 'sly' inferences and suggestions made about my mother and her lover, but no such instances of outright hateful behavior.

There is nothing to say other than this is sickening.

I have no idea who in the hell would consider a story about a young girl being drugged and raped "entertainment" but there you have the world of the Internet, folks.

He interjected himself into the interviews a little too much on occasion, but it was out of enthusiasm for the subject(s), and generally did a smart show, which has been lacking in the TV talk realm for years outside of PBS.

It's really a damned shame MSNBC cancelled his talk show - it was one of the best in years, where people actually discussed concepts and issues and told stories beyond do selling their latest product.

This movie has 'bomb' written large all over it.

A very dear friend of mine (my first 'real', serious girlfriend, actually) visited me a few years back. We hadn't seen each other in many years, and it was lovely. However, she had been through an ordeal with uterine tumors, and her hormones were out of control and she had been producing testosterone in massive

Holy crap! The Reeve resemblance is remarkable.

Come on, he fucked Ann Coulter for some time. He can't be just another media clown, right?

I live in California, and it is not socially acceptable to smoke

His seduction technique was so risible that I thought

Ugh. Has Fallon ever been funny?

It doesn't, but can in fact hospitalize or kill the victim from several causes.

Like most of these stories, I suspect it's another case of fantasy wish-fulfillment bullshit.

Never heard of this place.

Several years ago, we were shooting in St. Francisville, Louisiana and had scouted numerous locations, including an absolutely stunningly beautiful plantation. For those who have never actually seen one in person, it's very difficult to describe just how amazing they can be.

I enjoyed the episode enough, in spite of the obviousness of the 'big reveal' and coincidences/events that lead to our heroes all escaping.

Something tells us the cannibals could care less about hygiene.

It's amazing to see trans visibility becoming more and more mainstream