You're not the only one.
No, it's perfect.
Kanye would have disemboweled that paparazzi with a straight razor on the spot.
I lived in Japan for almost 10 years, and virtually all of the puking I have done in my adult life was done there. Each time was almost an exact rehash of what happened to you. There was this restaurant that the expats liked to go to called Hiyotanya that I nicknamed "The Wafting Stench." On Tuesdays they had an all…
Another sign that UCLA needs to stop spiking the Gatorade with 'roids.
Thanks for putting in the gif so I can see this on my phone. :) Also, excellent and totally appropriate use of the "badasses" tag. Whoever that pilot is, they have mad skills.
Oh god...
You just need a bigger boat.
Duel and Cujo.
"Spanking the Monkey".
You should check out the Tommy Lee Jones Suntory Boss coffee commercials as well. They are next level strange.
SoftBank bought Sprint a while back so I'm almost positive that their new ad campaign is a straight crossover from these commercials.
And I thought the cell phone commercials were weird.
Not to take away from the weirdness, but those are ceramic roof tiles. They aren't particularly sturdy and were designed to slide off the top of buildings during earthquakes to lower the center of gravity and prevent damage.
Oops, my bad.
Don't you listen to him Michael. Follow your bliss.