Rosie Tupper
Rosie Tupper
You're too kind.
Broken bones are sharp and arteries are plentiful.
I've seen one too. I assumed from the unfinished and weird angular look that it was a home build project by some crazy old guy that lived up highway 30.
That's because there aren't any trees left to cut down. There will always drunk people that want to take a cab somewhere.
I'm guessing his calculations were done without accounting for aero.
I was watching it with a bunch of people who could give zero fucks about racing and they were still pissed. I, after being up since 4am to watch Monaco live, was livid beyond reason. ESPN and ABC really fucked it up for everyone, casual and serious race fans alike.
Either way it was bullshit.
*should of
I don't know but there is no way I am ever putting that camera near my face ever again.
Only if it's air conditioned. Otherwise it's just another tuna can from hell you're trapped in for the length of your ride, albeit a comfortable one.
I was just talking about the top picture. The rest of Texas I can't be sure about.
Severe lack of trigger discipline is severe.
The Shinkansen was easily one of the best things about living in Japan. Fast, relatively inexpensive and reliable as a wood burning stove.
You win all the internets today.
I would agree with you in principle, but I live and shop in a part of my town where if you didn't let people out, they would be there a long, long time. It has become a necessity to let people out due to poor urban planning and everyone locally knows it.