Airport Whiskey

I had a supremely wonky turn signal in my ‘71 VW camper. It had a leak in the front somewhere and often the fuse box would get flooded. This would happen almost weekly in the fall and winter, as I lived in the Pacific Northwest at the time. The relays for the turn signals were particularly sensitive to water and would

Try not to loose any sleep over it.

Oh but that music! Why must everyone ruin things with shitty GarageBand-composed techno!?

Came to say the same thing. That place is a shitshow.

I had blocked that from my memory. All of the excitement just fell out of me like a disembowled taun-tawn.

In the context of a long distance relationship, sure. Have your FaceTime sexytimes. It is only natural in that case to send and receive some naughty bits. But for the most part I’m with you, the unsolicited Dic-Pic® is just foul and should not exist.

“Yo dawg, we heard you like posts about recalls so we put a recall on your post about recalls!”

I always thought he drove a first-gen Civic. It’s the natural choice. That or a 1987 Subaru GL hatchback.

Like these guys? Oh wait, that's right, nothing happened to them.

I love the dude who comes running in from 30 feet away with the extinguisher already spewing shit across the room like he’s a Ghostbuster.

Really, no chemtrails? What kind of Monday morning conspiracy theorists are these?

Same here. He used that exact phrase with me just this Xmas.

A truly amazing moment captured by a potato.

The expoding whale, in the post to which I replied, was most certianly blown up in Oregon.

I <3 U Oregon.

I'm pretty sure that's a Bugatti, dude.