
I engage with ATC personnel dozens of times a year. While I don’t fly myself anymore, I ride right seat in a GA aircraft probably 100 hours/year, nearly always IFR, which means a lot of communication. On the ground, I design airport projects which interface with ATC rules, and often often have controllers as part of

I was a 17 year old in 1988... it absolutely was NOT in the least bit ‘cool’. It was anti-cool. Honda CRX? That was cool. Pontiac Fiero? Super Cool. RX-7? HELLA cool. GTI? Ridiculously cool.

My brother still uses his Honda three-wheeler on the farm, mostly when his Polaris machines are in the shop (which is quite often). That old Honda just keeps running, despite getting an oil change once every five or ten years. The battery went out about three decades ago, so he just kick-starts it every time. Many folk

Not defending the choice of these turds in any way but consider that these trucks are basically doing stop and go every 60-80 ft in an urban neighborhood and I can completely understand how the mileage is going to be complete crap. I expect that if you did this drive cycle in a Honda Fit you would get crap mileage as

Faulty argument. The problem (for some) is the application of the GTO badge, not the car itself. Fine. You can have that. But the GTO was and remains a GREAT car, especially with the manual and the 6.0 LS2, and is one of the few from that era I’d still happily plunk down some coin for. It’s fun to drive, handles well,

Full! It’s Full Self Driving! I don’t understand why it’s so hard to grasp. All you need to do is sit back and relax and be far more alert and attentive that you would be while driving the car yourself as it fully drives itself.

If you need to be an experienced operator to use FSD, how FSD can it be?

Will this be broadcast online anywhere?

If they have to drastically change the design (which they almost certainly do just to meet pedestrian safety standards), I want to be in the room when they show it off.

I have two of these dumb things now. They were offered together as a 2-pack, because of course.

In 2003 when I had to PCS from Norfolk to San Diego (lemme upgrade ya), I bought my parent’s 1991 Toyota Previa. I, and 5 other able bodied college or shortly after college aged men piled in and spent 10 days driving (DC-NC-NOLA, STL, Denver, Vegas, Grand Canyon, SD) in December and Jan. Captain’s chairs in the middle

willing to deal with its...quirks....”

You got this! Hit me up if you need help!

I actually replaced the cylinder head and various other engine parts in 2016.

But yeah, it needs to be “gone through.”

I just like that my friend appreciates the ol’ Cherokee so much that she’s willing to deal with its...quirks.... instead of just buying a 2010 Civic.

On the plus side, it looks like you could use that panel as a sail to catch favorable winds!


Im no expert on this culture but Ive camped a fair bit.

I like the design but I keep thinking of these people attempting to dock:

Figure out what the hell you want it to do, and build it to do that.  Do, or do not.  There is no try.