Seriously? The Daily Mail and now fanfiction too?
Stop it, Jezebel.
Seriously? The Daily Mail and now fanfiction too?
Stop it, Jezebel.
Please. Stop. Reporting. Stories. From. The. Daily. Mail.
I am actually incoherent with rage right now.
Rage. RAGE.
For me it's basically a matter of hating that they have to do it, wishing they didn't, but wanting them to be safe while they do. Not every addict is a lost cause after all, and someone who is shooting up with dirty needles today could be living a clean, happy life later. I want them to have that chance.
Hence why Firestarter and Rose Madder are my favourites. In the former the female lead is a child, in the latter the escaped wife of an abusive cop. They have their problems sure, but I wish more of his writing was like that.
Actually, men DO frequently get harsher treatment, and that completely is wrong and DOES need to be sorted out. Women are also advised to appear emotional, because with women being stoic is seen as a sign that they are either guilty or lying about whatever they are claiming to have suffered, and that's wrong too. We…
The law! It works! Sometimes!
You might be a feminist, but you're straight, and presumably have never actually experienced the issues that bi and gay women are talking about. While your viewpoint is definitely important and valid, you can't UNDERSTAND because you've never actually had to feel it.
I forgot to ignore the trolls too :(
Luckily, your opinion doesn't actually hold any more weight than mine just 'cause you like to think it does!
I was willing to think you were just trolling before. The alternative was just too depressing. Gross stupidity it is.
Oh, grow up.
I'ma just copy-paste what I said to someone else.
"I enjoy mocking everything!" = "I lack the self-confidence to have actual opinions, and as such paint everything I say as a HILARIOUS joke so that I can defend it from that position when other people tear it apart!"
Well, I kind of only said "men everywhere" as that was how he signed his comment. Commenting on an article about how annoying it is to have your sexuality reduced to how hot men find girls fucking with "but girls fucking is hot!" is missing the point so drastically it's either gross stupidity or trolling. Or both.
I usually just respond with "fol rol de ol rol" but the format was too appealing to ignore.
Dear Men Everywhere,