

Like I'd call my son JIMMY. Pfft.

My best friend's cat used to curl up at the top of the bed and purr to us until we fell asleep when we were like six. I love it when cats are like "human, you're doing it wrong, let me parent your child". I'd probably draw the line at my cat teaching my child to hunt... BUT YOU NEVER KNOW.

Yeah, I'm sorry some people can be such douches :(

Or all three.

When I'm in charge it's one of the phrases that will automatically bar you from breeding.

Donkey punching isn't a real thing. Sharp blows to the back of the head don't do anything except maybe cause concussion. So feel free not to try and be okay with people engaging in it. He didn't really want to do that with you, he was JUST trying to distress you.

Thank you xD I think I just wanted some sympathy. Well done to your daughter, and hope all is well!

Last night it took me about an hour to get up the courage lol, and then I yelled at the needle for a while afterwards about how I hated it and all its relatives. But you're definitely right - getting it in is the hardest part. After that it's over in seconds. Thanks for the advice :)

Haha, as I said, it was okay! It helps that she's been my best friend for ten years and has a lot of GOOD qualities that make up for her total inability to be where she says she will when she says she will. (I suppose that would be my other bit of advice. Figure out if they're worth it. Not all people are.)

My best friend is exactly like this. To me, it's an issue of weighing up her positive qualities against this bloody annoying flaw. And she is 100% totally worth it. But we've got ten years of friendship under our belts, and she's seen me through all kinds of crazy nonsense. A month ago I confronted her about her

As far as I'm concerned, you can't deny anyone's experience of anything. Because it's THEIR damn experience!

Dude. You were talking to an awful, hella racist person.

1. Lots of water.

Just go "haha, yeah, one day!" and continue to ignore her.

Can't. Your brother's being an idiot, and so is his fiancee.


Do you trust him to discuss this topic? I've had therapists I'd talk to about a lot of really personal crap, but not a, b or c. If you've got a "not him" feeling about it, then maybe you're right. If it's more general terror, then bite the bullet and bring it up. It's hard at first - as I'm sure you know - but it does

Honestly, I say put me the fuck out and tell me when it's over. Unless you have a reason to believe your body might not handle that well, of course. Mine is basically like "wheeee, sleep!"

I'm not sure that's the target so much as that's the authors (sorry authors, some of you are absolutely lovely). I balance it with Feministing and various other bloggers. After all, Jezebel is about celebrity, sex and fashion. The feminism and politics is really an added bonus if we're going by the tagline.