
3) The variety: In Baldur's Gate II, you can solve a murder mystery, try to defend a city from wild animals, convince feuding families to kill one another, join a guild of vampires, and meet a talking sword. In one day.

For anyone that decides to play Baldur's Gate I first(and despite BG II being better, it really is a great game) consider installing either Baldur's Gate Trilogy or Tutu, which will put Baldur's Gate into the Baldur's Gate II engine. If I remember right Tutu puts Baldur's Gate into the Baldur's Gate II engine, while

Kangaxx.... I shudder to think of how much preparation I spent on that fight, and how easily it could all come undone if a party member failed a saving throw. The fight against Bhodi was another that could be difficult, especially if you downloaded to old Solaufein party member mod.

Good SFX? Maybe for 2001, but not 2013. Square Enix will never go for this because as much as some niche fanboys will love it, they cannot have bush league films like this with the FF or SE stamp of approval on them. SE, the original kings of video game cinematics, wont put out second rate shit, and this is at best

Nice pretend world you live in, you play Pokemon, no one will ever procreate with you, nerd. Ok hopefully you stuck around and read this far despite my petty insults. I love Pokemon, I am super stoked for this one, I play through every Pokemon. LOL! Just kidding, loser!
puts on aviators tosses cigarette *speeds off on

What's this have to do with video games!?! Rabble, rabble, rabble! Complain, complain! Some sexist comment, demeaning Patricia!

what do you think this is going to achieve? let's say a boycott is successful and the game flops - you think the capcom executives in japan who made the call are going to go "oh well these people on the internet say they aren't happy with this being digital-only, we better give the next one a physical release"? or are

Because the best way to show that you love a series is to play it without paying for it?

I'm going to have to say. That was probably the best episode of the series, in my opinion.

Walt ruined the character.

Jon Snow is too serious for comedy, has no sense of humour and betrays pretty girls, YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS HERE.

If you spent more time not looking for things that aren't there, you'd probably have a lot of spare time on your hands.

I don't get it. It's just jokes lifted straight out of the show. They're not even re-purposed, they're just beat for beat the same joke. That's not clever, that's not funny. The crux of the humor is "hey, remember that joke you like? Well here it is completely removed of the context that made it funny in the first

Hi Carol

That, and the restaurant makes a conscious effort to ensure that it suits the taste of the locals.

To be fair, at least 4kids put some effort into their censorship and didn't just blur stuff out.

Leave then.
