
I In lzbianz wt u.

YES. These are something now. I had only seen this one before:

Patricia is totally Team Bolin. I can't blame you, I agree he's the more interesting character. The guy has heart.

JRPGs are not RPGs, as they do not feature role-playing, which is the one element that makes a role-playing game a role-playing game.

It was sad and all, but I can't help thinking: If the older brother had just been a better kid with his extended family, and hadn't run away like an idiot, they would have been fine.

Oh fuck you're one of those

The Godfather is frequently cited as one of the best films of all time, and it was based on a book. Forrest Gump won Best Picture and is widely seen as a classic, and it was based on a book. The reason nobody ever thinks about GOOD book-to-film adaptations is because the film adaptations are good and work on their

Bail is higher if you intend to eat little kids' hearts when they are still beating. Non-beating hearts have a bail generally set around $20,000.

Ahh yes, "just learn" Japanese! What a simple solution! Why didn't anyone ever think of that before?

Very well put. I've never understood the idea that men can't relate to female characters and women can't relate to male characters. Why can't it be "by people, about people, for people"?

Gamer Entitlement

The pacing has been pretty terrible ever since Eren got swallowed. You had entire episodes devoted to planning the move of a boulder, and then the next entire episode is nothing but the characters GETTING TO the boulder. It also doesn't help that all the people who have read the manga are saying that the story goes

The butter goes on the BREAD love, not your nose.

Alright imgur

Yeah, because no one other than "redknecks" laugh at "my gun rack has a gun rack on it".

Something similar happened to me, too! At least yours was liquidy enough to wash off. When I woke on the plane at the end of the 6 hour flight, my vision was blurry and I had all this crusty stuff on the edges of my eyes. I can't even imagine how they took advantage of me...

Uh... not really. Our market is screwed up because of gigantic taxes imposed on electronic goods.

The Last of Us ended amazingly well. Seriously my hat is off to Naughty Dog for having the balls to give us something like this.

I think what's the best is that I find myself agreeing with Joel's decision. Not necessarily to lie to Ellie (I'm on the fence about that) but rather his decision to sacrifice the

Can't happen, we haven't gotten Unkarted yet.