
She was awesome in Justified too, and she was only a kid at the time!

Even though I do see that working from a chronology standpoint, it’s not really riveting television since the flashback sequences, when in order, don’t really have much of a climax - or not one that I’d think suitable for TV, anyway. It also gets rids of some of the tension of the second game, which has a bit of a

It’s a form of coding (probably). It’s like watching The Little Mermaid and thinking Ursula is just some old sea witch when any gay can tell you she’s clearly modelled after a drag queen.

One link is a coincidence. Killing rats with gas is a pretty overt reference. As the article points out, it's a dog whistle, so the whole lot is that it's meant to fly over your head if you don't know any better.

You say that, but hackers are starting to go after infrastructure and could very well be dangerous to the public.

Yes, I suspect that Swen being so open about why the game hadn't been announced for Xbox was all part of his tactic to put pressure on them to drop the "feature parity" requirement. Smart play which paid off 🙃

Off the top of my head:

Funnily enough, Druckmann said in an interview that the main reason the cabinet didn't work is because they'd have had to program another game for it, which would have taken up too many resources. But hey, limitations breed creativity, so I'm not complaining!

The show is basically shaping up to be 90-120 minute “arcs” (just like in the game) Joel and Ellie meet new people every other arc whose storylines either foreshadow or mirror aspects of the main storyline.

Yes! People keep forgetting that the OG Gameboy was flogged for 10 years before we got a follow-up! Also, what the hell is Nintendo supposed to say to its investors? "Sorry, we have no more games planned for the Switch, but also no new hardware for 20 months" seems like a fast way to get investors to pull out lol

There's definitely a difference in tone though, which is helped immensely by different visual styles

The game doesn't make this very clear, but the level cap for Pokemon obeying you is actually only for traded mons.

Thanks for posting this so I didn't have to :)

The dirtiest thing I've ever done on a table happened last Friday. I played a game about helping a human and tentacled alien get each other off.

How in god's name do you manage to date with so many rules?

I absolutely adore Clock Tower. No 2D game has ever made me shit my pants like that game has.

Go fuck yourself.

Chapters 5-7 literally made me turn off my 3DS and put this game away forever. I just watched the ending on YouTube. So much easier than spending 40 hours fighting the same bosses over and over.

I started reading this post and thought "hm, this sounds like a post written by Josh", scrolled up to check; lo and behold...