Ugh, I just got a headache reading that sentence.
Ugh, I just got a headache reading that sentence.
I am always confused when the topic becomes "women shouldn't provoke men" (a la Steven A. Smith) or "women shouldn't hit men either." I don't know of anyone who still believes in the chivalric notion that physical violence is a one-way street on which only women are allowed to travel. I don't expect a man to sit idly…
Ooh ooh ME ME ME! Though truth be told, it is a rare occurrence and happened more back when we first started dating. Honestly, when we orgasm together, it is so difficult to keep up the momentum on each other bc we are simultaneously losing our minds. Instead of compounding the experience, it feels more like chasing…
The problem with pits being raised to be watch dogs is that a normally adjusted pit bull is TERRIBLE at guarding. They are more dog aggressive than human aggressive and were never initially bred to distrust humans. But when someone thinks, "Imma get a big badass pit bull to stand in my backyard for hours and guard my…
OMG what are you putting in a sock during special time??!!
Tell us more about your sister's friend. How much does she make working from home on her computer? Tell us how she did it.
Clearly, the fetus didn't have a gun. Otherwise, it would've stood its ground.
I am convinced cats can smell allergies. They always seem to show particular fondness for my allergic friends.
Regarding the "choice" of being gay. How could someone think that anyone would choose to be gay in a society that denigrates homosexuality? Why would I choose to estrange myself from my family? Why would I choose to risk shunning by my family and community? It took a long time for me to realize my feelings towards…
The hard thing about science is that it's true no matter if you believe it or not.
Yup, wasn't expecting that.
Hi, me again. You just seem to have the most response-provoking comments because it seems like you're =really= trying to explain OP's side, but you are using such tired, useless arguments.
We did read what he wrote, and I encourage you to read the responses. My frustration with that sentence is that women are generally smaller than men, so when OP recommends standing down to bigger people, that's almost every encounter a woman has with a man, unless she's built like a brick house and he's a jockey.…
Is this how you wanted those poor women to feel??
While Kristen Stewart never defined "dick shit" for us, I imagine this was the type of person to which she was referring: an undesirable human being conceived from stale, putrid ejaculate.
Hey dick shit, get your skinny bitch-ass back to the Hasn't Been section. Trying to use her "gravitational pull" against her only really shows that you will never be anything more than a satellite.
It looks like his face is running away from his mouth while his mouth chases after screaming, "Wait! Get back here!"
No, thank Jeebus! It was displayed during the cocktail hour when the photographer was occupied with the wedding party. I only remember it because there is a two-second clip of it in our wedding video. We just watched it a few days ago on our anniversary and both of us were like, "What the hell was that supposed to be?"
Err, um...:: raises hand::