
Yeah, and if you get caught and arrested selling a gun, the entire house of cards falls. They lose their kids and the family falls apart.

I don't like or dislike Katy Perry, but I don't like it when artists aren't willing to just step back and let another performer do their thing. Missy can handle this, Katy. Just go backstage, get some water, and come back later for the finale.

Edited because blah

I didn't think it was particularly mean-spirited against Midwesterners either, nor religious people - I think it was mean-spirited in a way that the other letters were not. It seemed to be written by someone who is seriously angry and bitter about the situation, rather than sort of resigned to it like the others.

And she took it... awkwardly. Oy. They need to replace her.

Did you catch any of the red carpet? Giuliana asked Keaton "if you could be a superhero, which would you be"?

Former barista here. Basically all they're doing is not letting the foam settle out - therefore the customer gets a bunch of air and far less actual espresso/milk. I don't know if it was meant to be that way since I doubt Australians like paying more for less coffee any more than Americans do - but then anything

I'm guessing he/she is both clueless and also one of the people who took an offer like that and now regrets it. The "people you're throwing under the bus" are him/her and he/she's butthurt that someone else had a different experience because of making different decisions. (Also not great reading comprehension.)

The kind of company that wants to hire employees who have no other option but to accept whatever abuse the management wants to dole out. If they don't have their diploma, it's really hard to leave and get something better, especially if they offered better than minimum wage - a high school kid might get dollar signs

It sounds a lot like she's another woman who doesn't understand modern feminism. Kaley, feminism doesn't mean you have to wear suits and work and be a ballbusting bitch. You can go ahead and do any of those "traditional values" type things, cooking, cleaning, whatever you want. If it's working for you and your

So you see it in exactly the way a dim, uneducated, rude pop tart sees it - except that she reconsidered and took the photo down. I'm guessing you'd be there stripping naked 'cos people will think you're cool and rebellious then? Yeah. Keep trying.

It doesn't sound like they're arguing the policy, they're arguing that the flight attendant was rude and inflexible, disagreeing with nearly everyone else on the plane, crew included. They expressed appreciation for the apology from the airline, and they're bringing a child seat next time, saying they didn't know

Wait, you've said twice now that this "requires non-believers to completely adhere to all of those beliefs". That is completely false. If you enter a mosque there are dress codes. You do not have to temporarily convert and adhere to all Muslim beliefs, you just have to wear something that might be different from what

Some Christian groups deny the existence of things like depression. I wouldn't put it past people who put their kid through "pray away the gay" school to deny she was depressed or refuse to let her go to therapy to help herself.

I don't really care about what gender they are... assholes come in all forms.

Awesome! Thank you!

"I'm gonna guess she thinks it's "unfair" that another girl has as much money to give away." She refers to the girl speaking, rather than you, since I have no idea if you're female. I responded here because it's the only thread that pointed this out. It wouldn't have made sense to put it elsewhere. It had to do with

You can go ahead and "chillax" as well - I was referring to the other bidder who "found out she was actually bidding against Taylor Swift, she went, "Wait- that's not fair!"

It didn't have much to do with you, surprisingly.

And it's exactly those kinds of people who will act like it's the victim's fault who kept me from admitting anything to anyone until just before I was able to flee his apartment while he was out of town. Literally none of my friends or family knew; my mom still doesn't because I'm so ashamed at having been fooled and

Stop it, you fucking idiot.