
Go back and try again. The raw footage is available. No editing is required to hear him tell illegals that they will not be rounded up for voting because voters are citizens by default, and the election committees have no information about where you live, etc.

My personal version of the internet is called google. I’m sure you can understand it. Furthermore, you education is not my burden, nor is your ignorance my problem.

I can’t teach you how to think for yourself, nor how to read for context. You do not have these abilities.

It’s not possible to be that dumb, if you’re reading a political defense blog. The only logical conclusion is that you cannot actually read for context or general understanding.

You are so naive. I can’t even right now.

Why are you here? You clearly have no idea what’s going on. Is that the end game at FTA.

That was the essence and consequence of his remarks. Pull your head out of your ass.

I don’t know if they wanted a war, but it seems like we are going after anyone who works with Putin. Afghanistan. Iraq. Libya. Egypt.

I don’t suffer idiots lightly

Do you even know that Hillary said she would establish a no fly zone, and that military officials rebuffed and said it would be tantamount to war?

If a person is not willing or able to search google, they are not interested in uncovering and evaluating new information. Providing links is a waste of time.

Republicans have been dealing with election fraud for decades. This is nothing new. Trump did complain bitterly about it despite his victory, and he wanted to use the election commission to investigate.

I’ve only ever seen the unedited version of his remarks, not the Fox News reports. It was plain as day. He was telling non-citizens they could vote without worrying about anything happening to them or their families. This remark followed a whinge about how voter intimidation used to exist in the 60s.

Now playing

Here’s my fave of the older Mk1 1600cc Escorts

Any buffoon can read the transcript and pretend humans have no power of suggestion, innuendo or tacit communication. When Obama tells a reporter that illegals will not get in trouble for voting because anyone who votes is a citizen, he is meddling in the election, and he is, in fact, telling people they can vote

I know this is not evident to you, but to anyone with an inkling of civics, government accounting, or even political science education, the commentariat on FTA is as dumb as a box of rocks, regarding socioeconomic policy.

Pressure is ratcheted to the max. The next step is military conflict. That’s why Hillary said she would establish a no fly zone in Syria and shoot down Russian planes that interfere with our political operations in Syria.

Sorry, sweetpea. That’s not how the world outside of public school works. You are responsible for your own ignorance, and you are not entitled to a free education.

We decided in November. The new president is in DC with all of his personal shortcomings and political baggage, like every other president.

We are still the propaganda kings. This entire Russia-hacked-our-election narrative is a psy-op against the American public to make sure the intel agencies get to dictate foreign policy, not the executive branch.