
Your naivety is not amusing. Hundreds even thousands of people cast provisional ballots at polling stations if they are not on the voter rolls. In states like California they give drivers licenses to illegal aliens, which makes it nearly impossible (intentionally) to protect the integrity of our elections.

I’m not the naive little sheep pretending our government doesn’t meddle in elections and democracies. Our democracy is just another place for them to ply their trade.

This isn’t about Trump. It’s about the international spy games and disinformation campaigns that have caught us in the crossfire. Russia is up to no good. They always are. Our government has also decided that Trump shall not be in charge of foreign policy regardless of what the voters say. They are commandeering our

You are sitting at the children’s table. You can only see the Russians trying to hack. You cannot see our own intelligence agencies running their own disinformation to seize control of US foreign policy.

No, of course it didn’t. It was just Obama reminding citizens that they wouldn’t be deported for voting lol

Am I the one who thinks Obama needs to inform citizens they won’t be deported for voting?

Sure. Keep telling yourself that Obama needs to inform citizens that they won’t be rounded up by ICE and deported.

Do you need to tell legal citizens not to be afraid of ICE and deportation? No. Moving on.

Yes, the interview is cut and dry. You don’t tell citizens that they don’t need to be afraid of ICE and deportation if they vote. The question was a prompt to allow Obama to tell illegal aliens there would be no penalty for voting.

You’re so advanced you sound like you’re from the Industrial Revolution. We’re all going to be replaced by machines!! lol

My sources it the actual interview. You can find it on google. It’s not difficult.

There is no need to inform “citizens” that they will not be deported or rounded up by ICE.

Snopes is a political website. Watch the raw interview. It’s plain as day. No one tells citizens they aren’t going to be rounded up, and then mischaracterizes the information kept by voter registration.

First, nearly everything that cost Hillary the election was her own fault or her campaign fault. Second, we are always under attack by Russia and the Chinese and everyone else who thinks screwing with America will help them.

You have psychological problems and you need to seek help

Cutting off Russia from banking will have roughly the same effect as establishing a no fly zone over a strategic ally it is sworn to protect, though I appreciate that a banking option is not technically a military move.

Sure. President Obama was making sure citizens knew they wouldn’t get arrested by INS if they voted, though the interviewer clearly referenced undocumented “citizens” in her question.

I already explained why they are both not true, and that the Russia-hacked-our-election is actually an operation by our own intel agencies to remove foreign policy from the executive branch.

That’s because our territorial waters and our hemispheres of operation are on complete lockdown because we have the most professional and most well-funded Navy, who do their missions and exercises in locations where they can thwart piracy or commercial activities, depending upon the restrictions in question.

You have no point. You are like a petulant child telling his parents he can be as dumb as he wants.