
We already spend more than other nations. It’s not helping.

All the Gawker people had to land somewhere

So you’re basically advocated war with Russia because they are mad that we put sanctions on them?

The military tend to get angry about real policies like NFA. Democrats are their own worst enemy, not dumb veterans, though I’m sure they will appreciate your thoughts.

It means this was just another election, with the same psy ops and hack attempts the Russians are always using. The public narrative about Russian hacking is another op, designed to achieve a political objective within the United States.

If you do not know about the interview in which Obama explained that our federal voting laws would not be enforced regarding illegals, you have no business making any commentary.

We already know Russia tries to interfere. They always try to interfere. The intel community has produced evidence of nothing, which means they are merely using this narrative to apply political pressure.

When are we going to arrest Obama for telling illegals they could vote with impunity?

We’ve already cut the military in half since the 60's, when NASA spending was at its peak. Military is not driving the debt or deficit. The G20's worst entitlement system is driving the debt by costing more and delivering less than other systems around the world.

I am well aware that the average person is an idiot with no desire to learn or know anything about government spending. However, I’m not going to embarrass myself in the event someone knows federal spending levels and patterns, just to ingratiate myself to a bunch of idiots.

So you acknowledge that Hillary lost on her own, and yet you still cling to the idea that the Russians, who are always trying to hack everything, somehow changed the course of American politics.

You know nothing. Retreat. Learn somethings, and then get back to me if you care to discuss further.

Is liberal incredulity genuine, regarding the fact that Russia is constantly trying to penetrate US agencies and companies? Do they have any idea what China is doing right now?

Which Russian propaganda minister forced Hillary to stay out of Wisconsin?

The motorsport industry is collapsing on itself due to toxic sanctioning methodologies and jaded manufacturers, who see motorsport as a blackhole without any corresponding shareholder value.

If you can’t move beyond 1840s defense spending paradigms and national mercantilism, and you cannot look beyond the term aggregate demand, which is not strictly related to Keynesianism, nor is my username directly related to economics (you’d realize this if you knew what aggregates were), I can’t help you.

The logistical work the military is performing regarding renewable energy or energy efficiency has nothing to do with the apocalyptic religion of climate change, and it will continue as scheduled. That is the benefit of using genuine economic justification for energy policy, rather than using a religious argument.

You’re mixing metaphors and speaking about matters which you have little experience or understanding. Bastiat was speaking about building militaries for the purposes of making war to acquire territory and resources. This is not 1840. We live after the industrial revolution. Furthermore, we do not make war to steal

We’re not talking about deficit spending, and the military isn’t driving the deficit. Furthermore, transfer payments are not more efficient than other programs, since you are literally paying people not to produce anything. The argument against government employment is that it disrupts the private labor market, but

I’m not sure you could get your point across with another half dozen posts.