
The internet is right there with ya.

So, it looks like that contraption is ready for pancakes!

Remember what happened last time we sent Toonces to a haunted house and let him drink?

"What what?"

This is related to musical prosody. It helps explain how lyrics can help a song writer create a melody or drive the melody of any given song; or why when writing lyrics for a pre-composed melody, some words sound "better" than others in any given phrase.

Are the demos in the wrong order? Demo 2 is short, with the single sentence, and Demo 1 is the repeating musical-sounding one.

"Hello. I'm this guy and I'm grateful for simply EVERYTHING in my life...and there's a lot. As difficult as it was to get, I can easily let it go. What does that study say about me?"

"Thundercats, Thundercats, Thundercats. Hohhhhhh!"

"Woohoo! Firefly mention. Two shots!"

McGoldrick says Syfy is under "enormous pressure" to get back to spaceships.

Bobby Fite did have sort of a gravelly voice, so they're halfway there.

Reminds me of:

Hamster incest doesn't bother me because, you know, hamsters.

Sagan didn't obfuscate the question of existence with the behavior of professed believers as many do. To him, both were equally clueless.

That's the thing. I'm not certain Cosmos is the most appropriate platform for a battle. I have little interest in a show with an axe to grind. I want to be inspired. I want to be awestruck.

I think it's always been that way. That's what I liked about Sagan. He appeared to want to stay above the fray. He, like you, appeared to recognize it as unfruitful. The tone of this new series seems to deflect from that level of reasonableness. It's too bad.

What I loved most about Sagan was his passion for science and dispassion for any dogmatic interpretation of it. The latter is something that appears lacking in the new Cosmos. Why does everything now have to be a universal grudge match?