
It had two villians.. I wish everyone would shut up with the multiple villians thing ruins films. No it doesnt. Shitty writing ruins films almost EVERY SUPER HERO MOVIE has multiple villians. The first Avengers had 2 (Loki and Hawkeye with Loki’s army). Second one had 5 with Strucker, Ultron, Claw, and the twins. The

I don’t think it’s fair to blame the audience - it’s fact it’s pretty lame and people on io9 should generally cut it out.


I think one of the reasons why the Midtown High elements don’t work is because they seem so arbitrary to the thrust of the plot, the moment in time we meet Peter and the journey of both Peter and Gwen. It feels like the production team simply wanted to rip off sequences from the first Ultimate run but hadn’t bothered

Can we have a young person of colour as a hero in this franchise for once? He can still be Peter Parker with Peter Parker’s story, but a latino or black kid from NYC would resonate so much more. It was odd watching AoU and realizing a team of incredibly beautiful white people were once again saving the world from the

I knew he wasn’t keen on wearing it, but damn that’s dick move if true. Especially given by the end he’d moved to being a producer and director on the show meaning he’d was taking home even more loot.

I think he’s most likely binary code stored on magnetic tape, so yeah, he’s digitized. If he were analog, it would mean he was some sort of electrical waveform rendered to the tapes. (It’s science fiction, so I guess that’s no less possible/plausible than the idea of copying a brain in the form of ones-and-zeroes....)

Unlike humans who are confined to their own brains, though, the fact that Zola was somehow able to exist digitally means that there are any number of plausible scenarios where he is still “alive” in the MCU. Maybe the bunker only housed a copy of him. Maybe he was clever enough to fool other Hydra members into

Well, his power is a particularly mild form of heightened senses. Everything else is just skill.

It kept Superman out of his iconic costume on Smallville

(she had a small story where she was trying to figure out Barry’s identity and Harrison Wells’ secrets, but because the main cast already knew the answers, this was just busy work for her character)

I’m probably wrong but I just assumed that Zola could escape onto the internet (like other digitized baddies) before the base was destroyed.

of all the pokemon knock offs Beyblade always struck me as the silliest. Shouldn’t the tops automatically fall over?! Also how is this getting a live action movie before like Yu-Gi-Oh?

Chris Pine is 1,83m... that’s not really tiny. Oh and Chris Evans is 1,84m, does that mean he’s a Captain America for Ants?

Wonder Woman

Kind of surprising to see Steve Trevor, considering this is a Frank Miller esque universe. I assumed they would do the Superman/Wonder Woman thing (after the requisite horrible Miller dialogue, of course)

Except that it didn’t. The point of the SNL skit was that she was a supporting character in her own story. Every single scene was about her boyfriend.

She and the Flash need to hang out at a karaoke bar. :3

She was adorable in Glee, and a pretty incredible singer. I expect a Flash-style karaoke scene in Season 1.

Someone never watched Lois & Clark. haha