
This whole “___ is not a real word” thing is stupid. If people use it to communicate and know what is meant by it, it’s a word. There’s really not much more to it from a layman’s point of view (though official word-accepting rules are surely a bit more strict).

I do not get the Captain Cold appeal. I swear to god, if he makes one more cold/ice pun, I’m going to lose it.

Now the homeless alcoholics are hemorrhaging blood!

I imagine it will be easier with an ensemble show. When the star of a series guest stars it means they work twice as hard that one week. But if Captain Cold is appearing on Flash one week they can just downplay his role on Legends that week and give the actor some slack. (Which makes sense as the character shouldn’t

But CBS owns half of CW. It’s not like it can’t happen.

They’ve already hinted on the flash that Barry ends up being a founding member of the Justice League in the future. That implies that Superman is out there somewhere, or will be.

They just need to be ridiculously chipper around Oliver ‘STOP CALLING IT A TEAM-UP, RAY’ Queen when he’s at peak grump-ass. The balance will be perfect.

I think you can safely jump to episode 10 or 12 of Arrow season 1 and start there. It gets really good! Amell learns to move his arms when he walks and everything! And his supporting cast gets new additions that really kind of make the show.

Not precisely, that I know of, but Byrne retconned Superman as actually having an aura that provided most of his powers (that’s why he can lift a building without it crumbling under its own weight, and why Superboy developed tactile telekinesis) and it also treats physics like the speedforce.

I, for one, still enjoyed this season of Arrow and appreciate the fact that the “sophomore slump” actually occurred in season 3. I’m confident that season 4 will be good.

That would be amazing! And then later in a crisis Barry will be like “I am the fastest so I will do it” and Kara will say how they tied and Barry can reply the race was for charity.

While I don’t care for Arrow so much, Flash has given Berlanti enough credit to do whatever the f he wants and it’ll be fine in my book.

That is a near-lethal amount of adorable in that pic of Gustin and Benoist in their costumes. I am officially on-board with watching Supergirl because I want to be there whenever the magical moment comes that CBS lets the XO happen.

Better then marrying her horse!

Ah having Supergirl crossing over with the other 3 would be amazing. Don’t tease it unless you can deliver it photo!

I did. As a kid, it looked like he had Vader on a leash and was able to boss him around however he liked.

I want this be a show so bad.

“if like most people, you don’t constantly carry around a reusable/ portable water bottle”

He’ll “die” or maybe just die. Falcon will take over as Cap. And, maybe, Rogers makes his return in Avengers 3.