
The Batman managed to do teen Ivy well without making it super creepy


A ‘character actor’ is the kind who goes from one show to another, filling in the minor roles that last one episode. You have the regular cast (who the show is about/they appear in the title montage); the recurring cast (guest stars with an established character who reappears when the plot calls for them); and the

“Now, say my name.”

Will he know that too much Pink Energy is dangerous?

Sometimes I forget he started off as a “character actor” and hit it big as the goofy dad of Malcolm. But then he goes and reminds me that, much like Sam Jackson, he isn’t afraid of chewing scenery.

Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how many Rangers I train a year? I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn’t believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? A galaxy big enough that it could be seen from Earth goes belly up. Disappears!

And you can bet that “Krypton” will look suspiciously like Vancouver/LA/Toronto/wherever this is filmed.

I hate how they have obviously humanized everything. It’s not Krypton it’s just characters from Earth. Sigh.

It’s set in a really dark timeline.

Yes. But not a good one.

It’s a play on Superman co-creator name, Jerry Siegel.

Can they NOT give the main character a name that sounds like "Sieg Heil"?

The organic texture looks really weird on the women's torsos, but they do have one big advantage over the movie suits - NO HIGH HEELS!

Howard wrote his own ticket out of the franchise. They had to replace him with someone. Who would you go with?

I don’t think Perlmutter actually forced the change, he just had some extremely racist things to say about it.

I’m sorry, but Ben Kingsley as Actual Drunk Actor Trevor Slattery was amazing. If you don’t love Trevor Slattery, you’re wrong.

Not exactly true, for women at least.

In fact the article says they didn’t!

But they gave us hero Pepper! To be reversed and never seen again. *sigh*