
Cis means that he is not trans. He identifies as a man. Also, if you read the interview, he IS gay.

Cisgender meaning, he isn’t removing it as part of gender reassignment/transitioning to female. He identifies as male, he just doesn’t want to have his penis around any more.

If you take a look at the article, he suffered an injury that was causing chronic pain and he did have to speak with a mental health professional before the procedure could be approved. He did say he was unhappy with his body before that happened, but I’m not sure he would have gone this far otherwise.

Imagine if you were asexual and it was truly just a waste of space. Having it gone also means being able to wear pants targeted at women.

The guy who hacked off his penis would like a word with you.

I am okay with “girl” when it can be seen as the female equivalent of “guy,” and I suppose I’d be okay with it if some ninety-five-year-old were referring to a forty-year-old, but when it’s talking about a woman in a professional setting I don’t care for it..

Yeah, but the Green Arrow doesn’t go by Green Arrow. Smallville had Clark going by “The Blur” for a while. What would have been brilliant is if Calista’s character was like, “This is the name we could copyright, so we’re sticking with it.”

I really think the lightness of it will be an asset. It’s part of why I like Flash so much and always feel like i’m slogging through Arrow.

I hate that “girl” speech. No, Calista’s character, you are not a girl. You were done being a girl over a decade ago. You are old enough to be president and no man in your position or at your age would tolerate being called a “boy.” It feel like being gaslighted - if you don’t like that a grown woman is being called a

I was cringing at the romcom set up, but that plane rescue part of the trailer made me very happy.

“Because none of your business, that’s why.”

I think this looks bad. (although I am willing to believe it’s a problem with having an ad that covers the whole of the first episode, the balance may be better in the real thing.) but worse than that is the knowledge that if it fails it will be the reason execs then say “See, audiences just don’t want a

Pretty much everything you wrote could equally have been applied to The Flash pilot and The Flash turned out awesome.

I loved the trailer. It looks fun and focus on positivity. Exactly what I wanted from a Supergirl show! The costume design looks great. The casting looks great. (POC Jimmy Olsen!) Sure, the beginning of the trailer looks like a romcom, but the rest after that just burst with joy!

I loved it. While the first half and the music choices were super romcom dramedy cliches, the actual parts where she is Supergirl was amazing. She actually fucking smiles.

Better than Superman dumping Supergirl in an orphanage (despite having his own place she could crash at and an adoptive family he could leave her with) and ordering her to hide her powers.

God, I can wait for the eventual crossover with The Flash. Barry and Kara are going to be such excitable little nerds together.

I thought this headline was just being hyperbolic, but nope. This trailer actually hits every satirical point of last weeks SNL parody with 100% accuracy and 0% irony.

I am STUNNED that some people liked this.

Great tip. This is also available on a lot of set top boxes, and even Xboxes.