
Why are you being a jerk about this? Someone says “Fossil fuels are bad, I’m going to use solar instead!” and rather than commending them for their choice, you feel the need to point out the ways that using solar can still have a negative impact? Who freaking cares? It’s still way better for the environment to use up

They’re saving that for the release of Mario Maker 3, because Mario Maker 2 is either going to be an unrelated game that’s re-skinned as a Mario game or it’s going to just be a slightly updated, more challenging version of the same exact game that’s already available.

Can’t Windows basically emulate Android?

Bluetooth as a wireless protocol is capable of very good audio performance. If you actually have any experience with Bluetooth and found it to be bad, I would suggest that it was probably just bad hardware.

You’re an idiot.

These do what Bluetooth earpieces do not. They allow easy, hands-free, always-on method of phone use, however they are functionally familiar due to similarity to headphones and they’re large enough to be immediately visible to others around you. These things are fine and make a lot of sense given the way our culture

My point was that lightsaber lore isn’t really established in the movies. From what we see in the movie, it makes the most sense that anyone using a red lightsaber 30 years after the end of Episode VI would have to be using an artifact rather than a new construction they had built themselves. That is why it needed to

I joined OKCupid something like 5 years ago. Have had one “success” through the site, with someone I had already known from years before in high school. I’ve talked to a lot of people on there, but nothing ever worked out. Even that one I knew from school ended up being a really bad idea.

I would guess that women who are attracted to women are the most likely to eschew traditional gender roles. Normally, the man is compelled to make the first move and all that, even when it comes to online dating, but a woman can easily take on the same role of the instigator. If a woman is interested in women and

If you were friends with women, they’d be complaining to you about the messages they get from online dating too. It’s all about supply, demand, and traditional gender roles, straight men just get the short end of the stick this time.

None of this applies to OkCupid or whatever, because sites like that have at least a nominally different purpose.

It’s possible you’re mistaken about the nature of the character. Just because he’s using a red lightsaber doesn’t mean he’s opposed to things which are “good”. In fact, any Dark Side Force user other than Palpatine himself would be glad to see the Emperor tossed down that shaft. I’d love to see a “Sith” who is

In the first two movies, Luke used a lightsaber which was given to him and we are told nothing of where Ben or Darth Vader’s weapons come from. All we know is that they’re old weapons that aren’t used anymore. In Episode VI, Luke is using a new lightsaber, but we do not get to see him build it, and unless I’m

Who elected the Batman?

I think the price point on the Nexus 5 versus the Nexus 6 really hurt the Nexus 6. I just checked and the Nexus 6 is still 500 bucks new. Wasn’t the Nexus 5 only like 300 at launch? Yeah, plenty of people hate large screens, but plenty also love them... And I’m very confident that the Nexus 6 would have sold

The “feature” you’re asking for, to me, is a 6 inch screen. I want a larger screenscreen, that’s a primary feature I look for in a phone. If they sold a 7 inch phone and I could fit it in my pockets, I’d go for that.

I feel like comics should just lean into their heightened reality. Watchmen seemed to get it, they had Doctor Manhattan’s appearance in the world make for very obvious changes. In the comics, they’ve all got electric cars thanks to Doctor Manhattan’s advancements in science. In the movie, they replaced the weird space

Prediction: this person isn’t really Bruce at all. It’s really Hush wearing Bruce Wayne’s face, exacting some ridiculously stupid plan to ruin Bruce’s life (even though as far as Mr. Elliot would know, Bruce is actually dead at this point).

I watch Finding Nemo for its amazing technical achievement in floating particulate. I go for WALL-E to see good depth-of-field effects in animation.

I’ll defend Transformers and Avatar. Why not? They’re not trying to be anything more than what they are: intense spectacles.