
I wasn’t worried when I saw the problematic preview, because I figured they’d turn it back around again.

The brand name thing could have been a meta joke too. At the end of the scene, Grant would have said to Kara that they actually were going to go for Superwoman at first, but that was already trademarked.

They might give official specs as such, but they’re often drawn as about the same height. Especially if they’re fighting.

Is that really how they explain his powers? I always thought it was like Plastic Man and his body was just made of silly putty somehow.

That was my thought at first, but they could have changed it for that scene also to not reveal how much larger he was or to make the shot look more balanced.

Also: the guy that played Foggy in the 2003 Daredevil movie went on to play Happy Hogan in Iron Man. Because that person is a man named Jon Favreau. Jon Favreau also directed Iron Man.

Words with Friends isn’t alone in allowing slang terms. Scrabble has a lot of slang too. I love using “za” in Scrabble, but you’d never see me use that word in real life. Ew.

Being related by blood is not an important part of their relationship. Merely being siblings is all that’s important.

Since when does Words with Friends use UK Scrabble wordlists?

Almost no one plays Scrabble in a serious setting anyway, at least not compared to the broader audience who considers it just a board game. When most people play Scrabble and they actually bother to consult a wordlist, they use whatever dictionary is on hand or Google, not necessarily a list published by professional

Oh yeah, definitely. If Supergirl appears on any of the CW shows, there would have to be an explanation for why Superman never helped at any point, even when Starling City was overrun with superpowered thugs or when the particle accelerator in Central City caused problems.

Perhaps the Superman of this world isn’t noted for his speed. After all, Superman doesn’t have accesss to the Speed Force, so it’s reasonable to guess that he could be significantly slower. Maybe this version of Superman can only run at 30 MPH and fly at 50 MPH? Superman’s enhanced strength would make him faster than

Oh, didn’t remember Ollie there. Yeah, it’s a bit more of a stretch to guess that her return could avoid impacting Arrow. So I guess we have an annoying arc there to look forward to.

If you don’t want to watch three shows to keep up on all of the continuity, don’t. No one is making you, and if you just want to watch one or two of the shows, they’ll keep the crossovers clear enough that you can understand what’s happening without watching the other shows.

The only thing that helps at all is thinking that he is basically the villainous version of Cisco: a super-meta comic book nerd who is way the fuck into being a comic book villain.

It might not happen until the midseason finale and it could happen entirely on the spin-off show. We might not even see it impact Arrow at all, as she could be resurrected in some way that the Arrow team never finds out about. Even after working with Barry, perhaps Barry just doesn’t bother saying anything for

If they made one show with all of these characters, we’d lose our focus on Ollie and Barry and their individual plots and arcs.

I don’t mind it. The Flash has a tone that allows for that hammy stuff. I love it.

They should have never gone in that direction in the first place. Arrow works well as the dark one of the group, but they started out grimdark and afraid of the fantastical. The very first episode has Ollie brutally snapping someone’s neck... just to conceal the fact that Ollie was able to defeat his captors. He

I like this idea. They can imply continuity while still letting Supergirl stand alone. Maybe have Jimmy Olsen say something about how he just got back from Coast City or something. That way they can hint at a wider world that exists on those shows without directly referencing anything in particular that screams “GREEN