
Kid Flash could be like Roy Harper for Arrow is going to be moving forward. A friend who guest stars sometimes.

Yeah, maybe he’ll go back to that awesome tshirt finally.

If you don’t want it, it’s just a bit of flesh that hangs off of the body. If you had a fleshy growth hanging off of your body that you didn’t want, wouldn’t you get it removed?

We see her learning how to use her abilities. They’re not going to show us her entire life up to that point to prove it was mundane, we learn that her life on Earth has been mundane when we’re shown that she never learned how to use her special abilities. It’s implicit.

Supergirl’s “something more” is employing her fantastic abilities for the betterment of others. This isn’t Smallville where Clark was basically a superhero even before he was a superhero, apparently Kara has been living a wholly mundane life since arriving on Earth.

The only problem I had with Jimmy was that he seemed a little too hunky. I like my Jimmy to be weak and short and all that jazz. I want Jimmy to feel like he’s someone’s younger brother. I don’t want a Jimmy who likes like he might be able to hold his own in a fight. Like maybe he deserves to be in on the action less

Ah! I agree about Power Girl. I want to see them erase Supergirl from continuity altogether and just make every version of Kara always be Power Girl. Maybe we’ll see her adopt the name/costume at some point, though, since the trailer leans hard on the idea of her coming out of her cousin’s shadow, and taking on a

The “something more” Barry is seeking would be righting the injustice his father continually faces and having his father be a part of his life again. Wanting more from your life doesn’t necessary have to have anything to do with a job or residence.

The “sick pad” would be either Barry’s personal lab at the police station or Star Labs, the mysterious company that doesn’t seem to actually produce anything ever, has only two employees outside of Wells who never work on anything which might be profitable, and apparently still stays in business somehow even while

She’s usually less strong/fast than Superman and the Flash is leaps and bounds ahead of the Man of Steel. I mean, The Flash can already run fast enough to rip through timespace and travel through time. Do you want Kara to be able to move that fast? Do you think even Superman should be able to move that fast?

Yeah, they fumbled that “not a man” thing. If they really had to hit that mark, it should have been “Not a bird... not a plane... not Superman... It’s Supergirl!” It’s not a big deal that she’s not a man, the big deal is that we’re going to explore this other character who usually exists only in the shadow of her more

Nah, Kara seems kind of dorky. I could see the woman herself coming up with silly nicknames for her enemies.

If it fails, it’ll probably be more due to cynical critics like you shutting it down before it’s even been aired.

I feel there’s room in the English langauge for this kind of ambiguity.

That joke works a LOT better than the weird feminism angle they hit. Kara herself takes the appropriate stance that an adult woman shouldn’t be called a “girl” if she doesn’t want to be, but then the clip also somehow seemed to try to make it seem like Kara had been outwitted by her boss’s next comment. Dumb.

Superwoman is a different super hero.

Haha. This is the Superman story we’ve all been waiting for!

Superman hasn’t been seen on Arrow, but he could exist in that world. Similarly, they’ve said Spider-man exists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, even going as far as saying that he’s actively patrolling NYC as Spider-man, he just hasn’t been seen yet.

I don’t care. Still looks entertaining.

You originally suggested that Ryan Reynolds being excited for Green Lantern had something to do with Green Lantern’s failure. Green Lantern failed because of poor writing and poor editing more than anything else. The leads’ performance was actually one of the least negative things of the movie.