
I know this might sound kind of wrong, but probably because merely downloading child pornography isn't as bad as other things. He did not abuse any children himself by downloading and his act of downloading such pornography isn't going to actually encourage anyone to abuse a child. It's wrong, yes, but it is

It would be really weird to take it off while ON the train, but yeah, totally, bras are arbitrarily forced on women. Rejection of bogus expectations based on gender is what we should be aiming for. Women shouldn't be focusing on trying to instill arbitrary restrictions that they've internalized onto men. Gender equity

It would be really weird to take it off while ON the train, but yeah, totally, bras are arbitrarily forced on women. Rejection of bogus expectations based on gender is what we should be aiming for. Women shouldn't be focusing on trying to instill arbitrary restrictions that they've internalized onto men. Gender equity

and by the same logic, women won't sit comfortably without their legs clenched because that's too manly

There are a few problems with this situation.

I think someone must have done this to me, because I'm getting a bunch of magazines delivered to my house that I don't want.

He's got great recovery in his normal jumps. Floaty mobility, remember. Recovering with PK Thunder is questionable sometimes (especially for anyone not familiar with the character), but I wouldn't call his recovery "ass". Little Mac has "ass" recovery. Ness is doing OK. He can get back from a lot, even without ever

Maybe you should tell him about how gross you think old people are. And how old people should be denied basic human rights.

If you truly are legitimately offended by racism, I don't think you're the sort of person they were talking about.

Fox News, the awful news network, does not play sports.

I don't know if that's really fair to say. The Black woman who "played" the character first was really more of a recurring extra. I'm quite sure that the background character was never even addressed as "Lavender" at any point in the films, even if it did show up in the credits. In addition, there were a few films

Bystander effect would make each individual be unwilling to be the one to take action. Sometimes you just have to directly tell someone that you need them to do something to overcome bystander effect.

A man being a decent human being is amazing? You've got some low standards.

What you're describing is a different problem than the simple act of sitting with legs opened. What you're describing is the behavior of a jerk and that is not OK. However, merely sitting with one's legs opened is not itself the behavior of a jerk, it's the behavior of a person that is just trying to be comfortable.

I'm glad there are some reasonable folks in the comments. So many seem like women who are jealous that men are "allowed" to sit like this (but are unwilling to go against expectations of their gender in the name of comfort), while others seem to be universally condemning the simple act of sitting in this comfortable

yeah no this is not a mainstream issue at all

The only reason women do not sit like this is that they're socialized into avoiding it. If women were free to be however they want to be and never had any internalized biases, you'd see a lot more women sitting like this. Probably at least half.

Men are socialized to be assertive and dominant. This means taking up more space.

That is very not OK, but that's a separate problem.

The obvious answer is to reject the gender binary sit comfortably yourself, however that might be. The way you're talking feels like envy over the cultural expectation for men to sit like that. If you want to sit like that, just do it.