
That's a failing of the legal system. It's kind of weird to place blame on THIS VIDEO ALONE rather than on the flawed legal system itself.

Yeah, I was gonna say, these people are about to sued into the ground. Cool.

Waitress is a female-gendered term. Waiter is a non-gendered term.

And what's wrong with the non-gendered "waiter"? Are there women out there who reject it because they think "waiter" is a male-gendered term?

Well at the very least, it proves that this case was a lie, very probably an extreme exaggeration. Random dudes don't USUALLY turn into very aggressive rapists at the sight of a drunk girl, so to get so many of them apparently in quick succession is probably not going to happen in reality.

I hate playing against Little Mac. That "KO" smash is cheap as hell and really REALLY annoying. Like, as annoying as being about to cross the finish line in 1st place only to get hit by a blue shell, a red shell, a star, and a lightning bolt all in a row... and finish in second to last place.

You "lack options" because few people buy in those sizes. Because few people buy in those sizes, companies make fewer products in those sizes.

It's not about active discrimination against overweight people. It's about making a profit from a specialized product for a niche market. If they charged the same price for products which cost more to design, produce, and sell, they wouldn't be making the profit they should on that product.

Yeah, clothing intended for women does tend to be more complicated fits and designs than clothing intended for men, and I would guess that the denim blends that allow for stretching is more expensive than the more simple materials generally used for most "men's". It's also more likely to have a greater focus on style,

Teenage Elsa has VERY few lines. I've seen this movie more times than I'd care to admit, and I can't even think of specific dialogue that a teenaged Elsa says. I think she cried at her parents during an interlude in "Would you Like to Build a Snowman?" Either way, the unknown actor who did the voicework there could

Patriarchy oppresses all genders. Some of them get it far worse (particularly transgender people), but we all have unique gender-related problems under this system. Just because men have generally smaller problems doesn't mean that OVERALL gender equality shouldn't be the goal. By explicitly asking to ignore non-woman

That's YOUR vision of feminism, but that's not the vision that every feminist has. You say you think men and women should be separate but equal, but I say that men and women are actually the same and we just need to break down the gender binary. You see feminism as specifically fighting against oppression of women,

The problem is that "humanism" means something else entirely already and cannot be co-opted.

Not that you're wrong, but I think the big reason why straight and/or cisgender get absolutely no consideration out of LGBTQetc. is because each of those is a tiny minority. Even coming together, they make up a small minority. Straight cisgender people are an enormous majority that the heteronormative culture deeply

Solution: have someone monitor troll dens and have them figure out which ones might be targeted by them. Then throw out all of the votes for those, because anything that 4chan would spam in favor of is probably something that no one actually wants.

The Women's Rights movement that did great work like securing suffrage for women is a far cry from the modern "face" of feminism. When people hear the word today, they're more likely to think of the awful jerks on Tumblr than of the good people fighting for gender equality, especially the ones of generations past that

the word feminism was coined in the 1800s...................................................

buzzwords are lame

"Literally" has literally meant "figuratively" for about a hundred years. It's not the first time a word has ironically flip-flopped its meaning to mean the opposite and it won't be the last. English is kind of weird in that way. We have a lot of words that have opposing definitions. See: auto-antonyms also known as

This is a private publication. They can say, or not say, whatever they want thanks to the First Amendment.