
"Yes, why does everyone have to talk about feminism? Why can't we all just be feminists quietly?"

uh yeah thats not really how it works in reality

generalizing a group based on gender is wrong no matter the gender or generalization

A small YouTube unit probably isn't too concerned with getting legit waivers signed. I can totally buy this being manufactured, but then the question becomes why they would manufacture it? It wouldn't be too hard for them to get legitimate, real footage of a similar variety, although I suppose manufacturing it would

It's not sensational, obviously. Only sensational things are real.

What. Being drunk is not carte blanche for men to be rapists or take advantage of intoxicated women. Yes, drunk people behave badly, but men who are not rapists do not become predatory rapists when they get drunk.

This is different than being horny. This is about seeing someone weak who can be taken advantage of and trying to prey on that weakness.

You might be one of the good ones but most people don't want to take on a responsibility for a drunk stranger. Perhaps an offshoot of the bystander effect. Even if it's just giving directions to a bus station, most people don't want to get involved and expect a mythical someone else will resolve the problem.

Incredibly off-topic, but those seats aren't just uncomfortable for very overweight people. They're uncomfortable even for people on the upper-range of average. They really are designed for thin, short people and anyone who isn't both thin and short isn't going to have a good time with them.

too much hammering with shit can cause people to think everything is shit

my understanding is that this blog is NOT feminist and is not actually about gender issues even if they sometimes have articles about those topics

This discussion began with a comment that jmk7 made. Their comment might not have been the most worthwhile, but they didn't derail anything. In fact, the people demanding a change of topic in this comment thread are the ones trying to derail a discussion.

They started a new comment thread in response to an article about a video. If you don't like that line of discussion, you don't have to comment on it and you also don't need to try to derail or redirect that tangent, even if it isn't an especially good tangent. It's still its own separate thread, apart from the direct

This is actually really common in Internet article comments. Posts about Android will get comments about iOS. Posts about religion will get comments about atheism. It's kind of par for the course.

Men are less likely to be victims of sexual assault in most cases, but I'd say that men are much more likely to be victimized by videos like this intent on vilifying an entire gender for the horribleness of some of them.

The point of the video seems to be "hey look at these creepy dudes". The implication being that women should fear men on the street if they're drunk in public?

"How we can stop this?"

Part of the patriarchy is the fact that women generally get their pick of men in courting situations. That's why this doesn't work the other way: if a lady wants a hot young dude, she can definitely find one through significantly less sketchy means. It's not some innate feature of females that none of them would stoop

If that's the way you're thinking, you probably wouldn't last too well in any prison.

Prisons are unduly nasty in general. This is not a gender issue, this is an issue for everyone.