
Also left off the Giants playoff roster this year: [Insert any name not on actual playoff roster]

I need some of those!

He missed his political calling.

Yeah, the headline should read, "Backup QB beats out former Backup QB for #1 spot on Backup QB depth chart."


They had too much money covering their eyes to see what people actually wanted. They've just reached the top and after the playoff system starts, it may take a while for them to uncover their eyes from the new money rolling in.

He did this after the war on drugs commenced, so he's lucky to even get a trial. I'm surprised they didn't send him to GITMO.

In what context are you using the word "slaying"?

After watching the ESPN 30 for 30 documentary on "The U", I'm reminded of how the NCAA took all the fun out of college football. It looks like David Stern is trying to do the same thing to the NBA yet again.

I've decided to take my (minimal) talents to Adidas.

Kobe is not going to like this.

"Remember, it's shit like this that killed me."

This is why I don't watch baseball. The umps are by far the worst officials in all of sports (excluding replacement refs for the NFL of course).

That was some bull!

Should've asked him who the CA governor was. Those questions were too easy.

Thank you for not highlighting my Nokia.

Just get rid of charging all together. If someone is coming full speed at you, make a play on the ball, don't just stand there and leave it to the refs to make your near death experience a turnover.

I hope it was one of those Chick-Fil-A cows. They are annoying!

You sure? This lady looks perfectly fine.

I think that is already in the test trial stage: Tanning Salons.