
This trend will continue for years to come. They can recruit and hire all the Chiefs of Diversity they want, but as long as the people doing the recruiting keep classifying the underrepresented classes as “not a good fit” even when they’re over-qualified, things will stay the same.

I feel like you should've touched on leftovers.

Yeah, no free shipping. :-(

Yeah, no free shipping. :-(

Why is this a surprise to anyone. Now Jim Boeheim has to go out and recruit another point guard. It's the same issue Pete Carroll had when Mark Sanchez left USC. The difference is, Pete got smart and left the NCAA's dictatorship for the non-profit (lol, btw) NFL.

Living in SF, I wish my rent was one week's salary.

San Diego is becoming full of douche-bags. With an average temp in the 70s you'd think people there would be happier.

I'm surprised one of his neighbors hasn't shot him and claimed Stand Your Ground.

Talk about receiving improper benefits.

Only 105? I guess he won't be breaking Wilt's record any time soon.

Only 105? I guess he won't be breaking Wilt's record any time soon.

I'm sure he was thinking to himself: I could've put a ring on each of the Lakers' hand this year had your father hired me.

Get rid of the NCAA and more coaches would stay.

Great play call by the coach (who is not named Avery Johnson).

Wal-Mart's slogan: "Always low morals."

It's because it doesn't rain in Southern California. And when it does, people don't know how to drive there.

The real masterpiece was the 49ers' second year quarterback outplaying Tom Brady. I believe CK7 had the higher passer rating................oh, and the all-important W. Though this win makes it that much more of a head-scratcher as to how the 9ers couldn't beat the Rams.

He was simply giving them examples of bad passes.

If you're in a black neighborhood and in desperate need of police assistance, they're only hours away.

True indeed.

I'm going off the general assumption that some cops aren't corrupt.