
Again: CA > TX

$2 Million a month?????????

Their marketing to American consumers sucks! You may recall, when the iPhone became the device of choice in the smartphone world, long before Android existed, Nokia's response was that "It's number 1 in America, we're number 1 in the world." They ignored the American market and when Android became the alternate to

How can you be "the awkward white guy in the club" in Indiana?

Yeah, but would you rather test drive a car you're contemplating buying or just wait until the price drops and buy it? Plus, they have the added benefit of that Trojan Horse (Elop) as the CEO.


Had he Tebow'd the guy instead of teabagging him, we'd all be praising him.

It's all going according to Microsoft's plan. Make Nokia lose autonomy, develop a "partnership" with them on the MS mobile platform, decide to make your own mobile device, buy Nokia (or the desired divisions/patents) at a bargain rate.

There are 3 (hardware) buttons on my phone and I love it! Volume up, volume down and a Misc. button that is used to wake the phone, power it on and off, etc.

You're not allowed to talk bad about the Bestmodo Smartphone of Choice.

Given the financial state of Stockton, CA, the comment, "I pay your fucking salary," may be accurate.

Whatever you do, don't use that Len Bias!

Yeah, I'm not sure how the iPhone 5 is the best smartphone when there are other Gizmodo articles detailing some of its key flaws (not to mention one CEO's admission). I think Giz is beginning to lose its credibility in it's Bestmodo selections.

Ok, first attempt sucked. Here's a bit of contrast.

For the sake of contrast...

Your thumb goes from here (base of hand) to here (tip of middle finger). With the Apple Maps on iPhone you can't get from here (where you stand) to here (anywhere).

George: Has the league considered allowing players to call their own fouls/penalties? Similar to a pickup game of basketball?

George: Has the league considered allowing players to call their own fouls/penalties? Similar to a pickup game of basketball?

Make sure they're all wearing their safety helmets. We wouldn't want anyone to end up brain damaged.

RG3 can be found pouting in every huddle now.