
And their burgers are square making for easier dipping of the corners.

Maybe the most rational thing to come from the retarded Manning yet!

I meant hang.

Also, Wendy's has yellow napkins. can just load up multiple cups with ketchup and save the time of prepping the cups, which is what I do now. 1 In-n-Out boat of fries equals approx. 2-3.5 cups of ketchup.

Bryce Harper is one bro I'd hand with. There should be a reality show that follows all pro athletes under 21. Now that would be worth watching (sorry NFL, you excluded yourself).

If by "other stuff" you mean Google Fiber, I'm okay with it and wish my city (SF) would do the same.

The simple solution is to not talk to him (since he really has no reason to as an owner) or cut him (since he has numerous reasons to as a general manager).


So many steroid jokes rambling through my head I can't decide on one to leave as a comment.


Time to set up a server in KC.

Hmmm, with that sample menu maybe the picture for this article should be this one.

He has a concussion. He should be evaluated.

To be clear..... Guns = legal, Happy meals = legal, Smoking = legal, Shitty schools = legal, Bad parents = legal; Buckyball magnets = illegal. Ok, so long as its for the kids! We may want to ban hopes and dreams next, because those may also be a detriment to children.

Just so we're clear: None of this has anything to do with those other coaches placing football "ahead of educating, nurturing, and protecting young people."

Mi malo.

When is it coming out!!!!!!!!!!??????????

I'm waiting for OS X Ocelot.

That stuff always happens in San Francisco. I mean, look at these jerseys. lol