
Sorry, I haven't had to deal with this because the only pet I've ever owned was a goldfish named Wanda. Though she did try to access his Facebook on my laptop once and I was forced to get a new one. Best of luck to you.

During a random steroid screening, Mr. Met should check the box for the optional STI screening as well after touching that.

I find it somewhat hilarious that a bunch of caucasian males were at the center of this scandal and cover up, yet somehow the (for use of a better term) african-americans are to blame for the fallout. LOL. Oh, the irony!

You are aware that Penn State is in Pennsylvania? How does the racism and homophobia surprise you?

Call me crazy, but it would seem that Penn State and now the NCAA is making JoePa the fall guy for this whole fiasco.

Does this mean all of the teams will be sponsored by one of the products their players (should) use the most?

Why send a text when you can just change your number and move to a different city? Crisis averted!

Well my ex-girlfriend broke up with my by simply updating her FB status to "Single". It certainly made for an awkward conversation when I got home to our shared apartment that evening.

Now these are running shorts!

The weirdest part of it all, Dennis is the most normal of the 29 children.

The weirdest part of it all, Dennis is the most normal of the 29 children.

The weirdest part of it all, Dennis is the most normal of the 29 children.

"There is no way you can buy US made weapons in bulk unless they are stolen from a friendly government like Mexico."

You see, what he was trying to say is Adrian Peterson is simply Anthony Curtis from Dead Presidents.

Air Force Testing Dangerous Drone Lasers Above North Dakota

[EDIT]: Matt Barkley Says He Would Have Been Drafted Before Robert Griffin III/Matt Leinart Says He Should Start Over Carson Palmer Who Says He Is The League MVP This Year: The Delusional USC Quarterback Edition

Crawl Tide!

Can you put ice in it? Nothing says fun like an iced AMF and blue balls to accompany it (blue as in frozen).

I looked for it online and didn't see it. If you find them available for purchase let me know.

I want! Where can I buy?