
“...there’s really no evidence for that.”

Sure, if you want to be overly reductionist, everything is quantum. (I’m staying away from the quantum argument here.) But, ironically, similar to someone who knows no physics as all, a physicist would not call an apple falling out of a tree a quantum effect, because there’s nothing of note happening that requires

I mean sure, everything is made from components that follow the rules of quantum mechanics, but we certainly don’t know that “everything is quantum.” I’ve written this in stories before, but quantum mechanics has only been tested to scales on the order of dozens of atoms. We don’t know for sure that it can be used to

The higgs field only gives mass to certain elementary particles, and a tiny amount at that. The majority of the mass of an everyday object is pure energy density.

Hey, it was a joke. People need to have a sense of humor now more than ever. As long as they are doing it from more than six feet away they can have at it.

He was making a joke on the word “novel”

I’m sure they didn’t take any of that into account; thanks so much for catching the omissions.

The more things change...

Chiropractic “medicine” is all based in false claims, the whole thing is quackery

They can decrease the weight of your wallet.

A pack of 6 foot long chickens would be wondering what YOU taste like.

Holy shit. First Venus might have had seas and a habitable atmosphere as recently as 1 billion years ago, now this. Granted, it just says a “volatile-rich layer”, but who knows?

It’s not really the right stuff as much as it is the right conditions....

Well of course...

You know what has done more for nature than anything else?

How about you just leave wild animals the F—k alone, let them live naturally.

DU is a sterling example of hunting-driven conservation that has wider good effects, but I think that part of the reason is that in order to conserve waterfowl you have to conserve big chunks of their habitat, and as this habitat doesn’t generally feature a lot of effective waterfowl predators, it doesn’t require a

The animals Roosevelt shot in his Africa expeditions wound up as specimens in the American Museum of Natural History, not as trophies on his walls. Roosevelt was interested in natural history and supported conservation efforts, not just so his grandkids would have something to shoot at either.

The original mosasaur was also found in Maastrichtian deposits (a long time back) and it was named for Maastrict - Mosasaurus (from Mosae).