
Lack of direct acknowledgement does not equate to hatred or discrimination though... If someone sends out a general greeting that applies to 99.5% of the audience, it doesn’t mean they hate you just because they didn’t stop to say “oh and also you how could I forget about you”

Stories of magic space knights and destructive woodland creatures can (should) have an INTERNAL logic. Good storytellers know this. Hack storytellers don’t. And fan boys don't care, which is how good sagas die.

I didn’t know that it was so despised. I certainly can’t stomach The Meaning of Life. Now I want to look in to that. Your take on Intagram Jesus is both funny and discomfiting, although the whole ‘rich going to heaven as to passing a camel through the eye of a needle’ might appeal to the younger Millennials, lol

When considering Jesus as an historical figure, I like to refer to The Life of Brian. A prophet/preacher/savior ranting every few yards (every ‘street corner, lol?). Ultimately someone just had better hair and cuter followers (kinda like Influencers today). And who could forget that scene where Brian has to pick up

A great point and a constant conundrum. On one hand, shouldn’t you at least wear a t-shirt so the recipients of your good works can know a little about your motives, especially if you can’t talk to them about it? Maybe. For a local church, that could be a big deal. You get your name out there and bolster your

Lastly, I don’t give a shit about your reasons for not liking religion, much like I’m sure you don’t care about my reasons for liking it.

“Let people like things” is a horseshit statement when the “things” people are liking include Evangelical Christianity’s rampant bigotry, the Prosperity Gospel, and the Catholic Church’s penchant for kid diddling, among many other examples.

It’d be nice if most Christians did not treat the Bible as completely factual though. 

If you want a more modern, well documented example, look at Joseph Smith. founder of the Mormon religion. He was a con man that literally made up his own version of Christianity and it’s 15 million strong today after little more than 150 or so years.

I love to talk about transubstantiation among other people who grew up Catholic and watch their eyes go wide and ask me what I’m talking about. Like, was I the only one paying attention in Sunday school?

But skeptics and critics love to cherry pick Leviticus as “proof” that Judeo-Christian beliefs are nuts.

And yet the Catholic Church says that communion wafers literally, physically turn to the flesh of Jesus in your mouth. And if you’ve abstracted away to the point that you deny the resurrection, there’s nothing left worth keeping in the religion and it should all just be scrapped.

Too be fair tho, given the literal volumes of absolutely wacko, bat-shit, crazy nonsense people have chosen to believe over the last several millennia, this is one of the least offensive things one can believe. And she seems to be saying it without demanding anyone else do it or shaming those who choose not to do so.

Are you confused?

I’m way less of a risk taker at 44 than I was at 24. I was concerned about that until I realized that I’m that way because I have way more to lose now.

Pah! Ever since Planet Earth 2, I am convinced every predator on earth must be starving to death because they simply cannot catch a damn thing. The polar bear was one of two exceptions I counted the entire series. Unless you’re a fish or an insect, animals do not die in a nature documentaries anymore.


Just to set the record straight and fill the quota on my fun police ticket book this week, Taco Bell hot sauce has saved a grand total of zero lives.

Can’t find a source for the addiction side of phenylalanine.