
One of the heartwarming things about science paranoia, whether it is about Terminators or designer babies ala GATTACA, is that the public really thinks scientists are powerful enough to create either anytime soon. As a computational biologist, as therefore somebody with a foot in both fields, I’m faced with the

This one looks pretty complete, but if you really like dinosaurs and realistic depictions of them you’d better order from this guy:

This one looks pretty complete, but if you really like dinosaurs and realistic depictions of them you’d better order

That makes me think of the pop prehistoric book Planet Ocean, which has awesome illustrations by Ray Troll. Sabre-toothed salmon!

Non-binary just means that they don’t feel like they have a gender, or that they possess characteristics of both genders to such an extent that they don’t feel either one is dominant. This can be caused by a gene mutation like Klinefelter syndrome, or by various epigenetic, environmental and/or completely random

...this is a bit of a tangent, but...

It’s a plot hole in a work of fiction, I wouldn’t get too worked up about it.

Mary was different because God decided that Mary should be different. He’s God. He gets to do that. Of course, it does raise the question of why he bothered since, being God, he can literally do anything. Jesus sacrificed himself so that we could be free of sin. But we’re only sinners because God decided we’re

This just looks like theological pedantry and mental gymnastics religion to me.

Mary didn’t have sin because God said so. The thing about religions that feature a single omnipotent deity is that the authors are free to use a dues ex machina whenever they want in their narrative.

First of, I’m not religious or a christian (raised protestant, though not hardcore, just having my grandmothers read me the bible before bed while I was a little tike) but this baffles me.

Keep fighting the unnecessary fight, comrade!

Can’t I just watch dragons and dire wolves murder zombies without worrying about politics? :(

I don’t know you, but I would venture to suggest that A: scraping one’s knee isn’t really suffering. But being, say, beaten to death for being gay is.

Your version is better. Take your damned star!

God is called omnipotent, but gives humans free will. It’s not exactly free will if everything is known before you come into existence. You can’t be redeemed, it’s already foreseen.

S how do you jibe “all-loving” with “allows people to suffer?” Because you can ask any parent if they would do anything to assuage the suffering of their children, and you know that the answer will be “yes.” And god is - at least theoretically - more loving than any human, which means he is more perfect than humans,

If God exists, it is a very apathetic, capricious, and borderline cruel entity. I’d rather think it doesn’t exist rather than being an omnipotent internet troll.

So, like most Christians, you don’t even remotely practice what you preach? Good to know.

Oh, gotcha. Let me see if I understand: God doesn’t let bad things happen to good people, unless bad people do those things. Then god doesn’t stop it. Bad people let things happen to good people, even though god also created the bad people who did the bad things. And he also created the good people who sometimes to

Alternatively, God may exist and he/she/them/it decided it was her time, now the doctors are playing God in keeping her alive.