quintessentially christian.
quintessentially christian.
Does this mean we’ve solved the mystery of MH370? Clearly they must have either failed to pray or prayed to the wrong god.
Too bad there are no witty christian jokes other than you know, believing that asking a magical sky wizard not to kill you and send you to a burning pit is a thing.
They think that not believing in something is the same as believing in something. One wonders how they find the time to adhere to their religion AND adhere to the non-adherence of every other religion ever imagined.
So the proper answer is to preemptively hurl insults? How very Christian of you...
Don’t worry, I’m sure they arrived safely because someone on the flight prayed. That always works.
Oh geez, cue the ultra uptight and defensive religious folks and their God nonsense
Dude; you should be happy to let the heathens burn and not drive up the real estate prices in the definitely real magical forever sky paradise.
Pastafarianism is just as valid as any other religion. Don’t call us “atheists” just because you don’t understand our beliefs.
But there are no witty christian jokes other than, well, the whole christian thing.
quick, someone get this guy a safe space
Uh, I don’t think you read that book. It is a constant barrage of contradictions.
operate them on public roads, i think you mean... You can operate on private property unlicensed all you want.
The intent doesn’t really matter. Things go wrong, both with cars and guns. All that really matters is what they’re capable of when not handled properly.
Yeh smart guy, what about Kitt from Knight Rider? That car was a killing machine.. Game, Set, Match..
Yeah yeah, cars aren’t made to kill, blah blah.
That’s.... comforting?
What? You’re saying those dramatic classical scores weren’t just randomly playing out on the savanna? I thought that was all organically created by wind whistling over the reeds or something.
Back in the early 90's I lived on the island of Komodo for a year to shoot a documentary for Canal+ and the Discovery Channel. Armed with a degree in Zoology, I was 22, just out of college, didn’t speak a word of Indonesian, and had almost zero film experience. 2 weeks into the filming, the director announced he…
Seriously? Please state ONE bloody country that forces you to turn over your entire personal life? (please don’t say Australia, borders there are a pain). And this is not just for foreigners, it’s also for US citizens. How is this all right? Pro tip: it isn’t.