
Respectfully, whoever wears the pants in your relationship would benefit from a tailor.

If not wanting to be seen in public with a bag of shit makes you a "horrible person" then I and all the women I've ever known are just horrible. Here's hoping that one day you get the privilege of seeing a man in a nice suit.

I feel bad for your eyes but mostly any woman that has to be seen in public with a man wearing a cheap tux.

Dumbest comment of the day. Also: the most predictable.

Finally, the future we were promised is here.

Relative to the hyperbolic praise (and after you craft your super-duper enchanted, one-shot-everything-in-the-game God armour/weapons that only serve to further trivialize the game's beyond shallow "combat"), it sucks.

Paying $56/month for 45 down/4 up 300Gb from Teksavvy in Toronto. If you're bundled with Rogers, you can get 60+ for even less. $80 gets you 150 down from TS, although the usage allowance doesn't increase.

Wildstar comes out in three days. Tough to hold your breath for an OB that doesn't even have a date.

Agreed. Needs more brown to attract serious adults. Less whimsical animations would also help create the dour atmosphere discerning adults demand.

Woodcutting Online! Seriously, though, ArcheAge looks cool, but we can only play the MMO we have, not the MMO for which we're waiting.

What a waste of literally every resource that went into making this "moovee."

Now it just needs to furnish prospective hosts with UV lights and semen solvent, and the metamorphosis will be complete!

The problem is too many old people clinging to plum jobs.

Also, if they could please vacate your porch, that would be just cranberries.

Indeed. My local DQ is mostly staffed with geriatrics.

This game is fun and pretty and makes me happy.

Nothing wrong with you. Bioshock 1 was fun for its time, but Infinite felt like an on-rails Disneyland ride.


Don't blow yourself up. Society would never recover.

"normally these people are affiliated with religious belief."