
Five paragraph response = clearly neither "butthurt" nor "raging." Bravo, sir.

You're too dumb to realize what we're even arguing about, aren't you?

What kind of pickup do you drive?

You really like showing off how stupid you are, don't you? Read your first post again.

Your first post. Be dumber, please.

In America, justice is irrelevant if white people think you raped a white person.

No, I mean the opposite because I like internet comedy videos, am smart, and have a sense of humour. You are human garbage.

No, simply mocking humourless, indignant, probably inbred idiots who fear intelligent thought.

You are a disgrace to all automotive fans. You bring your pious righteousness where it doesn't belong and try too hard to make Jalopnik feel like the conservative, cousin-marrying Bible belt of the Gawker Network.

Also, with good speakers, it's lossless audio or bust.

I am an audiophile, and vinyl is unequivocally lower fidelity than CD/DVD/Blu-Raw/SA-CD, etc. in terms of dynamic range, number of channels, recording accuracy. Some may "prefer" the sound of vinyl, but it contains significantly less musical information.

It's sort of philosophical. Do you prefer vinyl recordings because their lower fidelity essentially "blurs" flaws in recorded music, or do you prefer as much detail/information as possible, even if it exposes flaws?

Every depiction of sex in HBO's GoT is an improvement over Martin's cringe-inducing prose.

To be clear, your mentioning of children raping each other(?) is a straw man argument that nobody proposed

Nobody's arguing "middle schoolers" work as a blacksmith's apprentice. Just wanted to clarify I was addressing your strawman.

What a rational and reasonable response. Not really sure what "Drogo-ing" is, but nobody's work fourteen hours a day as a blacksmith's apprentice. I'd argue the scene wasn't rape and the depiction of the taboo can be highly erotic.

Custom HD texture packs FTW?

This isn't outlandishly hyperbolic and completely undermining what is otherwise a legitimate concern. No, not in the least.

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