
Rough sex =/= rape. The righteous 1% =/= the internet.

Incorrect and dumb.

No. You're an idiot. I've tried to keep this civil, but you're too stupid to grasp basic logic. Nobody agrees with you.

Everything you said would be correct if it were the opposite. You are literally the only person who believes this.

Why would you go through the trouble of engaging in this argument only to conclude with "that's what you are, but what am I?" Pretty childish.

Sir, you have no idea what you're talking about and nobody agrees with you.

He and others have seen the same games running at 1080p, oftentimes side by side. Your strawman fails.

Mr. Fahey (and many, many others) clearly perceive a noticeable improvement in detail at 4K resolution. By saying this is untrue, you must believe that they are either delusional or liars.

This is just unequivocally wrong.

No it doesn't. Regardless, it fails to address the original point of this discussion which is the tangible, visible benefit of 4K resolution, which Mr. Fahey and LITERALLY EVERY OTHER PERSON states to be significant.

What do you mean by "pointless?" You mean that he is unable to discern additional detail? Fahey clearly stated that he is able to discern significantly increased detail. Therefore, deeming 4K "pointless" is tantamount to calling him a liar. This is simple logic you fail to grasp.

So you didn't read his post?

In addition to admittedly poor eyesight, you seem to struggle with basic reading comprehension.

I never said that. I said you have vision problems.

So you're calling him a liar.

Are you calling Mike Fahey a liar?

Please elaborate on how this relates to your inability to discern a clear and obvious difference in detail between a 1080p and 4K monitor.

Weak trolling. Could use more exclamation points.

Holy shit, congratulations on writing a Game of Thrones recap that rivals the length of the books themselves.

How do you define "perfect eyesight"? Plenty of people have vision that exceeds 20/20. If you are unable to discern a clear difference between a 1080p and 4K monitor, you undoubtedly have significantly below average eyesight.