Aegis Ornus

I've been pretty anti-virtual idol since Miku and company popped up but this broke the barrier. I could actually understand the shit it's saying, the music itself wasn't a garbled mess of noise, and the choreography was really awesome. Thank you for this.

I'm picking it up tonight at the midnight launch where I live!

Something I learned about myself: Put a HUD on top of real-life and I'm that much more interested in the actual outdoors.

1. I don't need any reminders about how long the one thing I loved most about gaming is dead.

I suppose I'm looking at how flexible and how much depth the combat system has as well as enemy variety. God of War is definitely more difficult but its not because of the combat (at least I don't feel that it is).

As someone who sank 30 hours into the game, many more into the other games and many other action titles and reading lots of opinions on DmC, I'd wager it's because of the combat's simplicity and how it looks cool. I remember when people were releasing a series of videos of someone styling through the whole game and,

Particles. Particles for days...

Now playing

He's pretty much half-assing it in my opinion. I'm not saying he needs to be Dave Grohl behind his kit but the music he's pretending to play requires a little something more than he's giving.

That is a completely invalid assessment.

This image wins the internets. I want a spinoff series NOW.

I'd date her.

I've had my MDR-V6's for over 8 years now and they're still the best headphones I've ever used.

I've had my MDR-V6's for over 8 years now and they're still the best headphones I've ever used.

I'm from the Bay Area, I can vouch for this... because I think that way...

OH NO! Doesn't Nintendo know how expensive all of that modeling is for those female characters?! I mean, they could have given us one whole new character instead of spending the entire budget on a gender-swap of Robin. They're already throwing their money away on those two female villagers! This is precisely why

I would've said Star Fox but we're apparently getting that. That being said it better be most like the original and 64.


But we get the game. We actually get the game! We could've never got the game at all and now we do and people are acting like this. Sounds like the Vita is undergoing a Wii U issue, Sony is barely showing support for the thing outside of "You know that game on the PS2/3/4? Well, now it's on Vita!"

This was easily one of my most anticipated games in Nintendo's lineup. I want it today, don't care how much it costs, I just want it to have content out the butt.

Honestly, this game makes me want to buy an X1. It looks to have some really awesome platforming mechanics with an intimate atmosphere. I'm really hoping this game doesn't stay exclusive so I can play it on my PC. I almost cried at the end too with the big ol' guy not waking up.

Omg, I'd die...