Aegis Ornus

Dedenne - In Perpetual Shock

That's alright, I'll agree with you. ^_^

I have to entirely disagree with the sentiment that heels are not for the stoic and tough. My last girlfriend was one hell of a bad-ass tomboy, knows how to fight, wears casual clothes, doesn't wear makeup, but the one thing she loved to do was wear heels on occasion. Can't say it detracted from her status as a

I had that exact same thought. I'm a little apprehensive about this to be honest, but I'd fucking die if it works out.

Lol, promoted.

Really want to play Titanfall on my PC but Origin scares the hell out of me. Has it gotten any better with it's EULA or is it still some creeper piece of software threatening to jail me at every turn?

WTF? Are their prisons designed by IKEA?

And a jillion Flappy Bird cut-and-paste's arrive on the marketplace to cash in on the opportunity in 3... 2...


'Nuff said.

Now playing

My feelings remain unchanged, on both accounts...

LMAO! To regain a little bit of dignity, I present two awesome female bands from Japan:


Well, that was epic as all get-out.

I'm buying a PS4 just for this game. Gotta start saving that dough.

Those fighting game movies and OAV's from the 80's and 90's are indeed pretty awesome. Kinda pulpy, nice pacing, sick-ass fight scenes. Yeah, I'd agree. I'd also say it's been a long while since we've had something of that quality for anything licensed.

For the Black Friday sale and this past holiday sale, I'd say I bought 60-70 games for a good $200. I just bought and built my gaming PC so every game on sale was an opportunity to push my system and find out what it can do. I now have no right to utter the words, "I'm bored. There's nothing to do..."

I want Mariel Cartwright to be my Waifu...

Good For Q, their PJ games are awesome. I didn't buy Eden on the Steam sale though, I can't find anything to really like about it aside from the momentum-based swinging and flinging. If it had been any of the others, even Racers, I'd have bought 10 copies and gave them away.

"12-year-old Jaxxyn... 3:30am playing video games... ice-maker on fire... After a quick attempt at putting the fire out himself, Jaxxyn raised the alarm... no smoke detectors installed in the home."

The last thing I read about Metroid was an article about the sales of Other M. Nintendo has made the assumption that it didn't sell because it's a game with a female lead that's featured more prominently than in past entries.