Aegis Ornus

I can't... I... I'm so broke...

I want this controller to be available now. I'm a console guy, have been for 20 years, and while I recognize that PC gamers praise the K&M, it just lacks so much in the way of comfort, convenience, and intuition. I tried playing some action games on my new PC today and it was so unwieldy on the keyboard... I feel like

Ooooooo, you totally nailed that one.

Fair enough. And I agree, Elite Alpha looks great and should get some coverage.

I could swear I saw that happen in the trailer though. My first thought was that someone's finally giving Robotech: Battlecry it's dues for an awesome battle system.

SHHH!!! If that's what it takes to move the trend away from FPS and give it to flight combat arcade action, then so be it. Just shut up and let them work their magic.

Now playing

Oh you're all so ****ing dead. I'm going to go practice with some Robotech: Battlecry. Good luck out there... NOT.

As cool as Elite Alpha looks, it seems slower. Strike Vector immediately reminded me of Space Cowboy and Robotech and those are WAY up my alley.

Then you're as trolly gummy worms as OP. You are part of the problem by not wanting to actually discuss the game based on its actual design, you'd rather just wave your opinion in the faces of others and scream at them when they present a different one.

As a huge action-game fan, I'd say it was fun enough to warrant a playthrough. It's definitely sporting a shallow combat system with some frustrations like auto-targeting woes and I found the story to be about as inane as they come, but there's a solid effort there which delivers more often than not. While the game

I hope PoP '08 will be remembered and given a sequel because it sure as hell deserves it, especially if Mirror's Edge is being given its just desserts.

I rented it and got the platinum trophy for it. I didn't buy it, can I speak for the quality of the game?

That sounds like my PC... except I came in under $1k with those touted features. Building my own really was more cost-effective. Huh, I'm actually a bit shocked.

Well, there is Infamous: Second Son.

I was kinda disappointed with Legends. It was very short and smoothed out all the difficulty from the original levels that were included. It didn't seem as ambitious or original as Origins. I still had a good amount of fun, I just came away feeling like I should've been playing Origins instead. The music was every bit

I kinda wish I even half liked Gears, that is a sick design.

Are the homeless giving me a fitted shirt with a kick-ass design on it?

Sounds like you're just not up for playing hardcore action games. Wonderful 101 was a great challenge and a ton of fun.

Now playing

Here are some samples of What I have streamed: