Every fan including me will tell you “no” but yeah, go ahead, out of all of the Jojo series Part 3: Stardust Crusaders is the one that is easiest to jump into from a random episode, much less from the beginning.
Every fan including me will tell you “no” but yeah, go ahead, out of all of the Jojo series Part 3: Stardust Crusaders is the one that is easiest to jump into from a random episode, much less from the beginning.
My personal recommendation is to watch the Re-Cut of Phantom Blood for the initial context (much better pacing than the full season imo) and then watch the full season of Battle Tendency (Joseph is one of the best Jojo’s in the series).
If you really need to, you can just read a synopsis of Phantom Blood, but I would…
You certainly could, but you’d have a lot less fond memories and understanding of Joseph Joestar if you do so (who is arguably the best character).
I think there’s a brief recap episode on crunchyroll that gets you up to speed on the previous arcs, but the phantom blood and battle tendency are both pretty short and worth watching imo.
Here, save you guys some time.
I had no idea that the Rurouni Kenshin manga is still going on. I thought it ended for more than a decade
For skin, can his gun be that cheese grating thing and his ult line be “just say when”
I choose not to see all gamers as horrible people. I like to think I’m pretty not-horrible, actually. Believe it or not, most people who happily call themselves gamers aren’t out there screaming slurs and harassing others.
I wouldn’t say that at all. You might as well say that ‘people who play football’ enjoy the game, for pay or otherwise, while ‘football players’ are rich, entitled assholes who abuse their wives and regularly get into legal trouble. You might as well say that people who write are separate from authors, who are all…
maybe esports is trying to get in on wrestling’s fanbase and it was a full-on body-check. gimme some of THAT
How many moves in that game uses that specific motion string????? HMM!?!?
I just think that even though numpad is more concise, it’s a less efficient way to convey that info through speech.
Lol. That was the example I used. Geese’s Raging Storm on numbered notation looks something like 1632143+P. Pretzel+P makes much more sense!
They’re not as easy to use, since most keyboards don’t have keys for adding arrows. In my case, I’d have to search for these arrows online and copy-paste them. That’s way more effort compared to just typing 236 or qcf and be done with it.
I think I agree with wolf’s point and while I see yours, I think the bigotry is a symptom rather than the root of the issue. These are dumbass kids who will just look at someone and use the crassest, harshest way to put someone down that they can. Racial slurs are a mere tool in the asshole box. Let them know you’re…
Try letting them know you are white, or that you have a creed or a gender or an opinion about something. The problem isn’t honest bigotry, it’s a culture of anonymity desperate to offend.
Nobody forced you to play the game that way. Just like leveling in most other games, you do it when you notice you’re having trouble with battles (unless you really love grinding). If you hate grinding, I’m not sure why you willingly chose to do it.
Hours and hours and hours farming 99 Ultimas for entire party on that damned little island.