It will end by Flerken eating Thanos.
I don’t doubt that Glover’s script may have been to overtly political for Marvel’s taste, but the politics in their movies are more than subtext. Look at Black Panther’s analysis of black liberation and isolationism. Or Captain America drawing the line between true patriotism and loyalty to the government. Or the way…
Well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.
Unless you’re a preferred commenter, in any given thread you’re only gray until you get stars or someone responds, I think.
You are all magnificent bastards!
I wish we could just fast forward to Election Day and get this shit over with.
I bet Texans are so annoyed they didn't come up with this first.
She learned the King’s English from Madonna!
To me it sounds like a cheery English nickname for breakfast. Nigel! Colin! Come downstairs for brexit!
How is this surprising? She has a British identical twin!!!
Why does everyone leave out Pine just because he’s in the other cinematic universe?? He punched Seth Rogan once! He deserves a space!
Someone upthread mentioned that Jon Hamm has said he doesn’t want to do a superhero movie and Hamm is generically good-looking but so much more likable than this guy.
Well, at least he is honest. Seriously though, if it wasn’t for money and fame, most actors would not try to go into showbiz. Just like most kids fantasizing about being rock stars... for the fame and sex (and maybe the drugs). For the art is usually close to last.
I sort of read that statement to mean that it’s somewhat racist to assume that black academy members will automatically vote for black actors, and that any solution to the dearth of black nominees that consists of simply adding more black academy members would thus be relying on that same sorta-kinda racist assumption…
If they just did a straight up live action Battle of the Superfriends and put even the barest tinge of color/humor in it, it would make a billion dollars.
He is so thoroughly generic. Like, stock image in a picture frame generic. The man should be walking around with a Getty Images watermark on his face at all times.