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This, the iconic theme from the motion picture.

Which one? The propulsive questing of TOS? the rousing adventure march of TNG? the “lonely outpost on the frontier” of DS9? or the noble odyssey of Voyager?

You’re thinking of Pierce Connery. Roger Dalton was the first Englishman to ascend Mount Everest on a pogo stick.

This is a serious issue, and kudos to Idris Elba for standing up for less successful diverse actors and actresses trying to make it in the UK. I have been shocked to learn how many diverse “American” actors are actually British and Australian actors who learned the American accent!

Surprisingly polite and logical answer :)

I’m starring this because I didn’t even proof read ;) I save my writing for other things that are more productive than comments. Such as my own articles on forums or a little fan site I run.

I try to keep my comments short but sweet.

No. I am guilty of a sloppy paraphrase, for which I am sorry. If that sloppy paraphrase mis-characterized your position, that was wrong.

Shaka, when the Berlin Wall fell.

Looks like the accommodations on the SS Botany Bay got an upgrade...

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Borrowing musical ideas is as old as music itself. Seems to me that the only time one artist owes another anything is when A) they cover a song written by another artist; or B) they sample a recording of another artist. Everything else, even really obvious "soundalike" ripoffs, are just the nature of the beast.

Bruno Mars better watch the fuck out. Because this guy is pissed off.

Thankfully, this finally ends the rap career of Puff Daddy.

Before anyone else adds them :)

That is awesome, but I don't think Carrie Fisher's body is . . . um . . . ample enough for Marilyn Monroe.

"Say "mee" one more time, motherf*cker..."

"Klingon, motherf@cker! Do you speak it?!"

Spock travelled back in time to 1860's Seattle in the novel Ishmael.

Psh, original star trek is all about the Nazis. You want Victorian, you gotta roll with Picard.

I am the very model of a modern Star Fleet Admiral