
It’s worth noting, however, that unlike House of the Dragon, Martin has not published a massive history detailing all the political battling, literal battling, relationships, and betrayals of the time of Aegon’s Conquest.

Everyone gave up when Galadriel decided to swim across the entire ocean back to middle earth. Or when the Harfoots decided to be jerks to their own kind when their society was already at the brink of nothingness. Or when the grand armada from Numenor to save middle earth was three (3!) tiny ships. Or when that grand

I don’t know that I’d call anything about The Rings of Power "excellently crafted", nor did I find the silly revelations at the end to be a reward.

I watched all of it and I am not better for it.

“The series was undeniably gorgeous to look at...” Gonna have to disagree with you there. The series looked cheap, with particularly laughable costuming and makeup. I’m not usually aware of the costuming, but Galadriel’s elvish armor was so poorly designed, both from a functional armor and a decorative standpoint,

hey quick question: what the fuck are you talking about

He was the best casting decision they made in Highlander, that’s for damn sure.

Get thee from my gate, thou jailcrow of Warner Bros!

Lord of the Rings: The Next Generation

I miss the Razorcrest. That little fighter cockpit gives me claustrophobia.

It’s a secret only fire can tell.

Sorry, but I do get behind the talk about the show being way worse than it should have been. Serious critics also took shots at it after the end of the 1st season, not just youtubers. In fact, while for Star Wars and other properties youtubers can get bitchy, for this show everyone, *universally*, seem to have hated

It’s basically impossible not to, unless episodes start running in reverse.

No, that’s Luke Hemsworth. I understand that it’s confusing, given that Luke was in Westworld and this article mistakenly mentions that it was Liam in Westworld.

Although every problematic Star Wars movie gets reevaluated eventually. In the early-mid ‘90s, lots of fans thought RotJ was the weakest Star Wars movie, and now it’s in the National Registry. The general consensus in the ‘00s was that the prequels were a disaster — and this was why the ST steered around PT lore — but

The thing about TLJ that no one seems to notice is that Johnson basically gave the franchise a big exit at the end. Everything TFA set up is gone. The First Order has been effectively destroyed — their leader is dead, their main fleet (which was also their industrial center) is destroyed, their military braintrust is

Disney only understood Star Wars in terms of OT nostalgia. The Force Awakens indulged that nostalgia; The Last Jedi subverted it. But both movies were dependent on nostalgia as the foundation. That was the only “plan.”

Fans might still hold a grudge against The Last Jedi five years later, but The Rise of Skywalker is the movie that Star Wars can’t escape from. It effectively broke Star Wars as a movie franchise, and that’s why every new project since then has been a TV series. It also demonstrated, more than any other genre movie in

Compared to Rise of Skywalker, The Last Jedi was Citizen Fucking Kane.