
Internet fanboys have convinced themselves that because they HATE the prequels with a fiery passion, that the entire world does. They also tend to vanish from the conversation when evidence of the contrary is presented.

I disagree. The prequels had their problems, but I still like them overall. I don’t want to strike them from existence like a lot of people.

Quiverfull is literally evil. Both it - and Rusty himself - should be held accountable for their part in this. Although she is the one who killed her kids, they are the ones who created the context in which she felt compelled to do it.

I still think Rusty should be in jail. He is as responsible as she is. Good to know that I am not the only one who found him creepy and insinere.

And despite the whole quiverful-no divorce-married until death thing, he divorced Andrea and remarried.

Not only that, but he pressed her to stop taking her medication.

I remember reading recently that the media were applauding Rusty for “forgiving” Andrea for murdering their kids and all I could think was well isn’t that fucking magnanimous of him. She was severely mentally ill and he ignored the doctor’s orders not to have any more children. Add in the Quiverfull movement, which

I don’t think any kind of limit would have an effect on these guys

Because you are a grown-up with common sense and judgement. Let’s pray that the young and stupid of the world (like I used to be) survive long enough to grow up, too.

I’m not very often, but I think I’m gonna make an exception in this circumstance.

Yeah, but...don’t be a dick.

They were driving high and endangering other innocent motorists on the road, sure I’d rather they’d not be dead, but fuck ‘em. These are the kinds of people who wipe out other people’s families simply because they’re getting their own jollies off.

And that’s why it must been seen. So people learn reality versus Hollywood/Video Games. Good on the families for releasing this. Very brave and smart thing for them to do. Sorry for their loss, but they turned it into a teachable moment.

Don’t be a dick.

Public sector Wisconsin worker here. You’re not allowed to hate him more than I am.

They are all insane people. Even poor, stressed-out, occasionally lucid-seeming John Kasich: bonkers. Pathology is

It’s amusing to me that we are discussing this person as though his third novel has really made critics reconsider their earlier opinions.

Sweden is a first-world economy, and both of his parents were senior corporate executives. As tends to be the case, you can afford to take risks like these when you come from a well-to-do family.

I’ve heard of getting in touch with your roots, but this is ridiculous.